Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Diablo III - the worst game ever

Actually it's a pretty well-structured game with a very very bad implementation strategy.

I just wanted to play the campaign. Why the friggin hell do I need a compulsory internet connection? The auction house feature isn't really useful in these sort of games, so yea, to hell to the internet connection requirement. And oh not to forget, even if you have a very great internet connection (like UniFi lol), you still need the stupid server to be ONLINE for you to play a stupid campaign on a stupid game. WTH? 

Okay, so, I just created and logged into my new character moments ago, endured horrifying lag (which won't happen if internet and a server are NOT required), then suddenly a system notice popped up saying the server will be down for maintenance in 15 mins and oh, during that 15 mins of pre-downtime, I got kicked out of the server for no reason and kept getting lagged up in the character screen = cannot log into the game AT ALL. Now, I have to wait 6 hours for 'the server to be maintained' (which, again, won't happen if I play ANY campaign on ANY normal game) but well, by that time, I'm already in bed sleeping, so WTH Blizz, the Diablo franchise is dead... by your own hands.

I wonder, is it worth it to waste RM143 on this stupid game? No. Even if I've shared it with my bro (so actually I only have to pay him ~RM70), it's still not worth it. That's how bad Diablo has become. Well, yea, I may like the new character class choices, new spells and new gameplay, but it's not friggin worth it.

*some more ranting*

So.... back to Rift I guess. Rift lags as well (and its servers are also based in the US) but at least it's an actual MMORPG and not a game who is trying to be a offline-RPG and MMORPG at the same time, but failed miserably at both.

..... sigh, okay, after ranting a bit, I guess I could start writing on an actual review for Diablo III lol. Here it is. Enjoy!

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