Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Addictiveness of Playing the AH (in Rift) Part IV - Overflowing mail boxes and addons

I'm sure many AHers keep plenty of their merchandise in their mailbox and their alt's mailboxes and sometimes, it's rather hard to keep up with AH's expired mails, outbid mails and won mails. Sold mails are the easiest to take care of lol - just take the money out. For outbids, you need to rebid the stuff on AH and there is no easy way for this - you'll need to jot down the stuff that you got outbidded and then search for them on the AH and then rebid on them. Tedious, isn't it? 

Furthermore, there are plenty of expired mails that you haven't cleared enough bag space to store and hence, by the time you realised it, the mail has already disappeared back into digital particles and you've just lost your merchandise.

Unfortunately, unlike in WoW, the addons section of Rift is rather under-developed, I mean like wtf, there aren't any properly updated addons that helps wholesale AHers do their daily routine of putting stuff up and other stuff?

In WoW, I used to have 1 AH addon, 1 mailbox addon and 1-2 inventory addons (purely for easy AHing, this does not count in the GearScore addon or the interface and raiding addons). 

Now, in Rift, I'm using 1 mailbox addon - EasyMail (helps you to mass delete or mass take out mails), 1 AH addon (I've tried several, but they just don't work as well as the original default interface. BananAH looked promising... until it stopped getting updates lol) - Prices (saves the listed price of an item that you've previously put up on AH), and 2 inventory addons - BankIt (for easy stacking of items - this is EXTREMELY useful) and ToonInfo (Also EXTREMELY useful, especially you have plenty of du/tri/quadriplicate artifacts spread across different alts and guilds).

The catch here is that although ToonInfo is pretty awesome, it does not take in account of items that a) you have in your mailboxes or b) items that are already listed on AH, but it does differentiate items that are in your bags (blue vault icon) and in your bank (grey vault icon). EasyMail still has plenty of errors and more often than not, it'll just break down and you'll have to do everything manually again. BankIt will occasionally get stuck but it's real easy to unstuck it again (just 'stop' it and then re-click the action you want BankIt to do).

Okay, that covers the addons part, now moving on to market survey... lol :P

Artifacts' prices are back on the rise - IT'S TIME! It's finally time to list all the artifacts that you've horded over the past month and get some money in. REX are dropping in price as well - I last saw one going for 930-950plat (on bid though)  and for buyout 960plat. Pretty good deal. Empyrean bags are no longer going for 50-60plat lol, which is good news for people who have plenty of alts to 'bag' up... like me :P It's rather on the low end - around 30plat but not the lowest (25plat) though. 

Herbs' prices are up - especially true for tempestflower. :)

These are the few stuff that I've noticed during my time AH-ing yesterday. Okay, I'm going to play Rift now lol :P Cya!

Oh and P/S: I'm playing on the Aus/Oceanic server, Laethys :) 

Check out my previous blog posts on Rift here:

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