Monday, January 6, 2014

And boy, am I mad!

So... my mum informed me that my pay from my part-time job as a tutor at a tuition centre was cleared by the bank and was inputted into my account. But surprise, surprise! The centre only gave me RM165 for A WHOLE MONTH of tuition. WTF. Yeah, I mean I was absent for two days due to that stupid compulsory safety campaign by my university and due to attending the scholarship interview at Kelantan... but seriously? That less than half of what you've promised me!

However, I'm a very reasonable and logical person, so okay, let me break it down to you in simpler terms... I've taken on 4 classes - all lower standards (Std 1 to 3) - with 2 of the 4 classes having a tuition duration of 2 hours. You told me that I'll get RM110 per month fix rate for each class and that classes that are 2 hours-long will be paid at RM285 (per class or for the two classes that I took... this one I'm not so sure. If it's for both classes, then it should be RM 142.50 per 2-hour class... which is not exactly very reasonable but meh, it's okay for me... anyway, let's just consider it as payment for both classes). Anyway, If we add all these numbers together, we'll get RM505 for my 4 classes. Okay, then I was absent for 1 time per class. You said that if I'm absent (even with valid reasons), I'll get RM10 less and, considering this, I'm assuming that for 2-hours classes, the pay deducted if you're absent will definitely be more... Perhaps you'll deduct around RM 20 per class. 

So, let's do some simple math, shall we? RM505 - (RM20x2) - (RM10x2) = RM 445. Oh and you wanted to charge me for the books that I need to use for teaching? FINE! Then minus away the RM35 for the books, I still have a f-ing RM410.... which is way less than what I had expected but it's what I DESERVE for helping you teach all those kids (and not to mention, I have made extra exercises for them to do AFTER I've finished your 'syllabus').

Seriously, if the next time I see you and you cannot give me a proper explanation as to why my pay is so F-ING less, my resignation letter will be on your desk faster than you can blink. I'm not THAT STUPID for you to RIP me off a second time. 

I'm out!

P/S: After thinking for some more, I've realised which classes she didn't pay me for - the 2-hour classes. That's the only logical explanation... If that's so, they better say it's a mistake and that they'll correct it.. if not~ 

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