Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The 1st Annual CNY Cookie-Making Safety Meeting report

At our CNY cookies-making safety meeting today, these stats were presented. There is a worryingly rising trend of 50% for burns for dad while mum, without fail, will get burn/s every year since 2011. On the other hand, Ah Ma and I should maintain our good record and not get burned next year.

As proven by my good no-burns record for two years straight, I confirmed that by saying 'Don't burn me!!' repeatedly every time I reach over to mum's side to check on her kuih kapit is good practice and should be included into the SOP of CNY cookies making.

We concluded the meeting by asking both dad and mum to be more careful next year in order to finally reach our CNY cookies-making safety meeting's objective - that is to have 0 burns for every member.

This meeting is sponsored by the Department of Occupational Safety and Health ........ (not really) ... lol :P

**The word 'Burns'/ 'burn' are hereby defined as burn/s that require/s the immediate treatment of using aloe vera sap to prevent the formation of blisters and/or scars and to reduce burning sensation and any other symptoms of burns.

****Something stupid that I came up with lol. That stats are true though.


  1. I like this, it's not stupid, it's cute :) for a previous post, my resolution is to give more to charity. I've been selfish. And to develop writing more. Happy New Year. Bed by 12 each night sounds impossible to me, don't be hard on yourself ;)

    1. My dad laughed his head off at this :P Wish you luck in achieving all of your resolutions :) But, well, if you cannot do it somehow, don't worry. There's another year ahead (lol... no wonder I hardly get any resolutions done xD). Oh and I suppose we are all night owls now haha - creatures of the night~ :P

    2. I mean at the graph and the report - gah, should have been more specific hehe. Sorry!

    3. No problem, I assumed that is what you meant ;) thank you for your well wishes. The same for you.
