Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Stolen lab reagents

And so, there I was thinking that I have 7-8 tubes of 10% APS sitting in my box in the -20C freezer and then my senior came around and asked me to prepare some for him (he needed 2 tubes). Okay no probs. I already have several tubes of those, I'll just get you some. 

But noooo.... when I open my box, there is only 1 fking tube left. W.T.H!! I was very confused but I know that I'm not absent-minded to the point of being nyayuk... and then it suddenly hit me. My senior has a very bad reputation of jacking stuff from people in the lab and not telling anyone about it. Since his favourite time of work is when nobody is around, he practically has free reign of the place. Plus, considering that we both are doing similar work, it's no surprise that my stuff are constantly missing... Fk you, senior!

And he still has the audacity to ask me to prepare some more when he obviously knows that I only have 1 tube left (which is insufficient for HIS use). WTF, who am I? Your lab assistant? You took my stuff without telling/asking me and you still have the nerve to ask me to make more stuff for you when my stuff ran out?! Fk you all.

I'm really thinking of booby-trapping my stuff - like instead of labeling them properly, I'll use a jumble of codes that only I have the key or I'll put in several tubes of plain water in my box and label them as 10% APS. Luckily, it's only something as easy to make as 10% APS. If it's something that is hard to prepare (especially those that needed pH adjusting), he is so dead!

23. OneSleepyNerd on March 7, 2013 5:29 PM writes...
I think that overlooking or allowing this kind of bullying/ narcissistic behavior contributes to the poor mental health of graduate students. It only takes one person to destroy the collaborative purpose of a research group, and then you spend the rest of your graduate career not trusting anyone around you. You start to believe that everyone is out for themselves and start hoarding things, or you try to take the high road and carry on, only to get angry every time someone takes advantage of you (This is sooo me!). It's a huge waste of time, talent, and resources for us to carry on this way, but PIs usually dislike having to manage people.
Source: http://pipeline.corante.com/archives/2013/03/07/ill_just_take_a_tour_of_your_lab_drawers_here.php

Btw, a sudden realisation that I've made when I was sick yesterday (I'm still sick now lol) my surpervisor is not only a control freak, he is also an egoistic maniac. Honestly, he never thinks about his students even though he kept saying that he's 'protecting' us... how is it protecting when all the major lab equipments are going to be shifted to a new lab that requires an around 10-mins DRIVE away? How the fk am I going to do my work? I'll drive there like petrol is free and use an equipment for 1 fking minute then drive back because I have too fking much time on my hands. 

Nooooo, your ego, your kiasu attitude is more important, right? You can't just back down from an obviously you-lose type of situation. And what have you done? You've just successfully isolated yourself from the other lecturers that you obviously despise, but then your students will also be isolated from the majority students at the new lab. We'll ended up like being shipwrecked in a deserted island with no one else but ourselves and a egoistic PI.

In short, I will leave this place... then I'm going to get a nice break to clear myself of all this hatred and vengeance, and I'm going to get myself a good steady job where my EQ won't be tested to its very limits everyday.

It doesn't have to be like this.

Brief update: So, yeah, I've continued my second semester of study after all.... why? Well, let's just say that there are too much at stake at the moment, but my mind is very changeable by a certain someone. ;)

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