Thursday, February 20, 2014

Why I have not written as much these days?

Well, the answer is very simple. :P

Firstly, it seems that my tuition center organises exams for their students and hence, I'm kept pretty busy by setting revision questions (that mimic the exam paper in some way... and no, the exam papers are not prepared by me.......unfortunately lol) for my classes.

Secondly, I've started to play, again, WoW :D But this time, I'm playing the new expansion of it - Mists of Pandaria. Having a panderen is cool enough (very bouncy lol) but honestly, I don't really think its racial is very useful. I don't like the revamp for the talents/ skill trees either and I regretted spec-ing arcane for my mage lol. Without arcane missiles (have to hit level 24 T.T), an arcane mage is not that awesome. Ret pallies are quite okay at the moment (haven't tested out the other specs yet), balance druids are like in cata... I don't really like em but I need em to level lol :P I like resto the best! Seems like demonology locks are getting quite a boost, but I'll have to verify that one (heard it from a fellow leveller). 

The rest are gray areas :P ripe for exploring and experimentation hehe, but seriously, I think I'm sinking in too much time into these. I'm not at university anymore... I don't have that much free time... I can't afford to waste so much Sigh.

I'll try to put up some stuff  in between my frantic levelling (lol), but yeah, if the server's not down, I'll probably not be here typing this LOL :P Realm firsts beckon! :D

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