Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Story ideas and writing

I've been a great fan of writing since I was young. I can still remember my first 'book' that I've written based on a nightmare that I had when I was around Standard 4/5. It took me 2 years to finish it - it's not extensively long since it's sort-of a children's horror story - but then I kinda lost the manuscript lol. Anyway, from what I can recall, that story isn't very well written or developed :P 

Since then, I've been writing essays more often (schoolwork lol! but I do get overboard by submitting a 5-page-long guided essay which had taken me just hours to write. Ahah, good old times :)) and when I hit university level, I gravitated towards poems (not that I fancy myself a poet, it's just faster to write lol - coz it's shorter) and short stories. However, I've been saving those ideas for longer stories... saving but never writing lol. Maybe coz I felt that none of them will ever see the light of day and I'm also kinda afraid that like some of my 'projects', I'll get disgusted/ bored by it when I'm half-way through with it. Not to mention, currently, I'm juggling more than I can handle... writing will just have to wait.....

Anyway, to find out why I was suddenly very interested in writing about well... 'writing', go check out:

I hope one day I will be one of those 'lucky ones' :)

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