Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Things Only People Who Work With Kids Will Understand

I came across this article while searching for something else and I was like, 'wow, this resonates with me so much that I simply must put it on my blog'. So, here am I and here it is :) Enjoy!

Things Only People Who Work With Kids Will Understand

1. Get the purell ready because germs, germs, germs, they’re EVERYWHERE! Children are like little Petri dishes!

This is so true! There was this one time when a very naughty girl, who was just told off by me, smeared her mucus (she has running nose) on the cover of her exercise book.... ewwwwwwwwwww!

2. There is no way in hell that you’ll ever be able to give instructions just once.

Yes, never in my life do I have to repeat myself so many times. It's not that they didn't hear you, they just.... well... didn't listen! Hence, sometimes I get sore throats when I go back home..

3. Snack time should be called “Let’s get crackers on the floor and step on them!”

Letting kids have snacks during tuition and you'll get food on the floor. Definitely, and who is going to pick those up? Not them, not even after you're told them off multiple times. At the end of the class, YOU are the 'aunty cleaner' that have to clean up after the kids... But I dare say I've been skipping doing these sort of stuff :P

4. If you expect children to get in a straight line EVER you’re a damn fool.

I've never tried and now that I've read this, I will never try lol....

5. People who say psychiatrists are over diagnosing ADHD obviously haven’t spent more than 5 minutes in a classroom.

Fcking ADHD, hyperactive maniacs they all are. Seriously, I hate kids...

6. Peanut butter is a hazardous substance.

Let's swap that with pencils, whiteboard dusters, rulers, practically ever fcking thing in the classroom. And you may find yourself marveling at the sort of pointy objects that parents allowed their children to put into their pencil cases and bring to class.

7. You have to find creative new ways to say “no.”

My personal favourite, "see first lah". Even kids complain to me that I always say that.

8. You know all the names of the kids with behavioral problems.

Yes. A great big YES. You NEED to know their names so you can report them to the principle of the tuition centre/ school lol and ofc, to yell at them to shut the f up and sit the f down

9. You’re often treated like you’re a babysitter rather than an educator.

F right I do. Parents actually send their kids 30 mins earlier to class and then dare to complain to the principle that 'why the teacher isn't here yet?' WTF! You think I stay there ar? You just wanted to use tuition classes as babysitting centres mah.... And there will be parents who will ask me to remind their kids to drink more water and eat their food and such stuff. I can do that, but gawd.... I feel like I'm working in a nursery or something

10. You’re used to people asking “Why would you do something that pays so little?”

I often ask myself that question and I ended up slamming my head against the wall, so don't. Just don't.

11. If you come home without markers all over your hands it’s been a good day.

Lol, this is practically an impossible task. No way. Even the simplest word (words that kids younger then them know how to write lol), they can ask you to write it for them cos they don't know (and they actually don't) and of course, your hands will get all dirty and stuff... but this is not exactly something that concerns me a lot. To put it simply, I don't mind having dirty hands, but it's really frustrating for kids to keep asking me to write for them just so they can mindlessly copy.

12. There must be a magician in school because pencils are constantly disappearing.

The stationary that has performed the most disappearing act is not pencils, it's erasers! I will definitely hear at least 5 times in a day, 'Teacheeeeerrrrrrrrrr, my eraser is missing!' or 'Teacheeeeeerrrrrrrrr, I can't find my XX'. Rulers, pencils, books (that are 'missing' so they don't have to do any work, will suddenly turned up in their bags), colour pencils and what-nots.

13. Coloring in the lines is overrated.

Colouring ANYTHING properly is overrated. Enough said.

14. You know you get paid a lot less that your peers but at the end of the day you’d never choose another career path because it’s so rewarding.

Not really. The only class that I actually feel rewarded is the Form 1 science class, but then that class took me the most time to prepare for. In the last class, I taught them 'Elements' (for 1 hr and 30 mins) that had taken me 3 hours+ to prepare for.

15. Getting a shy kid to come out of his or her shell is the best feeling in the world.

Not when the shy kid suddenly became as evil and as monstrous as the devil. 

16. You bought 75% of the supplies in your classroom yourself and you know there’s no way in hell you’re getting reimbursed.

Every fcking photostated extra exercise, every revision questions that I've ever printed from them, I'll never get back my money... probably worth more than RM20 now... and the worst part? Them kids never appreciate anything. Guess I'm just reaching for the impossible, right?

17. The job never just ends at 3pm.

My tuition class on Saturday ends at around 6:30pm but then once I've eaten and bathed, I'll be busy working on the stuff for tomorrow's class. Heck, every during weekdays, I'll be like busy creating questions for them... WTF. I believe this is a new level of employee exploitation.

18. When they make little things and presents for you your heart melts.

Well, so far, none. Um, except that one time I let them have fun with MY marker to draw stuff on the whiteboard. Instead, they are pestering me FOR GIFTS everyday.......

Update: well, the kids do give me impromptu cards for teacher's day which were pretty nice, and there's this kid who gave me a drawing of an odd-looking goat because I let her have some time off and do some drawing+colouring

19. Sometimes you have to throw all lesson plans out the window and just improvise, and that’s okay.

Yup, just like last weekend. I forgotten to bring my essay book to class and that I've placed my essay answer script (that I've written myself, fcking tuition centres) in it. So, I improvised and wrote a whole new essay from scratch lol.... within like 15 mins... record time! Especially when the essay is in Chinese (one of my weaker written languages lol).

20. You know what you’re doing isn’t just a job it’s a calling.
Hmm, not really, but I do agree that it isn't A job but it is MULTIPLE jobs. But ofc, you get paid for one job and the pay is as crappy as you can ever imagine (not as crappy as working part-time as a salesgirl lol... that's even worse).

Also, I would like to add a number 21. You'll be spending quite some time of yours stapling/taping kids exercise books that has fallen apart.

Well, these are my thoughts and experiences in dealing with kids. I guess it does depend on which kind of kids you have to deal with. Unfortunately, my tuition centre seem to be a magnet for all the naughty, thick-skulled kids. Sigh. Kids, I really hate em.

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