Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Find out your EQ score!

Emotional Quotient (EQ) is becoming an important part of our daily lives. Knowing how you'll react with other people may give you a hint as to how high (or low) your EQ is. However, to know more specifically, what your EQ score is (much like IQ scores), you'll need to test yourself via an EQ Test.

I've checked through several EQ Tests and this test is the only one that seems legitimate. 

Here's the link:
(You can easily skip the advert after a few seconds and don't worry, as there are absolutely nothing to worry about - The link's safe.)

Have fun!

Now for my results: :P

Half of me is agreeing with the results while another half is not lol :P I mean I know I'd get less EQ (since I'm a very emotional and moody sort of person), but 60 is a tad bit too low for my comfort. hehe :P

Anyway, yeah, now you know, you might not want to hang around with me anymore since I do snap at people when I'm feeling "snappy", getting temporarily angry over "stupid lag" when playing some really intense matches, and break down in tears whenever I'm overstressed, frustrated or sad. I sometimes have bouts of feelings that made me want to yell out loud from some remote mountain top, but well, the lower score might because of the sleep deprivation that I'm suffering from or because I used my own brand of logic to answer most of the questions presented. heh :P

So, what's your results? Feel free to post them up in the comment section below! I'm really curious to know :)

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