Thursday, June 30, 2016

Chester See - You're Not the One


I've never been
So sure of anything
You're next to me
I finally feel complete
I know for sure
You're all I'll ever need
And I'll never stop..

Loving you more with each breath that you take
This promise that I never will break
For you..... 

You're not the one
Coz you don't wanna be
I might have chosen you
But you chose differently
You might make me feel whole
I don't make you complete
I will grow old with you
But you've grown tired of me
You're not the one
Coz you don't wanna be

So I'll let you go
As hard as it is for me
I'll never know
This was supposed to be
If you're ever alone
I hope that you think of me
Coz I'll never stop...

Loving you more with each breath that I take
This feeling inside never changed
For you....

But you're not the one
Coz you don't wanna be
I might have chosen you
But you chose differently
You might make me feel whole
But I don't make you complete
I will grow old with you
But you've grown tired of me
You're not the one
Coz you don't wanna be

If you ever feel the way that I do
I hope that it feels the same way too
Coz I only want
What is best for you
And I hope he gets on one knee
Just wishing it could have been me

You're not the one
Coz you don't wanna be
I might have chosen you
But you chose differently
You might make me feel whole
But I don't make you complete
I will grow old with you
But you've grown tired of me
You're not the one
Coz you don't wanna be

"One of the easiest lyrics to transcribe so far :)" - S.Y.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Brexit - What It Means for Me

I haven't been writing for quite some time, but this issue has really prompted me to start writing again.. hilarious, right?

Anyway, for a citizen of a developing nation who aspire to perhaps one day move to a better place, Brexit comes as a huge blow.

You see... I can't move to the US where people often get massacred because of the lack of gun control and the impending political mayhem.

I can't go to Europe now, especially when Brexit is causing a major political and economical turmoil over there... Some are calling now Brexit a "DIY recession"... lol...

I really don't want to go to Australia because of the prevalence of melanoma and the rip in the ozone layer.

Anywhere in the Middle East, Africa or South America is not sufficiently safe...

Sigh, what has the world turned into?

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

How Dark is Your Personality?

According to BBC, this quiz is inspired by real psychological research... so here goes! :)

If you want to take this test, here's the link:
(wait a few seconds after clicking the link and then click Skip Ad at the top right corner of the screen)

Machiavellianism "the employment of cunning and duplicity in statecraft or in general conduct".

Narcissism - excessive or erotic interest in oneself and one's physical appearance.

Psychopathy - is traditionally defined as a personality disorder characterized by enduring antisocial behavior, diminished empathy and remorse, and disinhibited or bold behavior.


So, what's your result? :) Feel free to share them in the discussion comments below and we can all be "infrequently vile" to each other :P

For more 'tests' such as this one, feel free to check out my other posts:

Dig or Die review, tips and walkthrough

Right, a 3-in-1 combo - let's get right to it shall we?

This game reminds me a lot of Minecraft in many ways. After all, the game seems to be based on Minecraft. However, I like the twist the game provides and definitely the faster mining speed.

The crafting part seems a bit lacking though.


1. Where to find what?

  • Blue flower 
This flower can only be found on the continent on your leftmost. It is tricky to reach there though, as you'll need to construct a platform at the very edge of the the continent you are on and leap across... with the help of your shotgun acting as a propellant of course.
One of the types of bridges you can build to get to the other side. I used something quite different though. Either way, as long as it works - it works :)
But before you attempt anything, just remember to press F5 to quick save your progress before you took that "leap of faith".
  • Gaz
The third crafting machine will require the ore Gaz which can only be found on the continent your wrecked spaceship was on. Jump around while you're on the surface to spot any floating islands, then construct a tower that can bring you to the top. Use the best construction block you have - which would probably be reinforced concrete blocks.
You'll need lots of them (both blocks and Gaz) so be sure to collect or craft as many as you can.
  • White flower
This is perhaps the easiest "rare" object to collect. Head east (right) to a very tall mountain, climb to the very top, and collect all the white flowers.
  • Copper 
You can first get them by collecting scrap metals and converting them to copper. However, once you have your level 2 resource harvesting gun, you can mine for them underground. There are loads, so don't worry.
  • Coal 
You can mine for them using a level 2 resource harvesting gun. Found in the underground zone in between the copper and the aluminium. However, sometimes, especially when you get to the deeper areas, you can find all 3 resources together.
  • Aluminium
Found only in the deepest areas of the underground. Will require a level 3 resource harvesting gun.

Harvesting aluminium
  • Black Tiger Fish Skin
Another pretty tough-to-collect item and you'll need to take a "drop of faith" this time around. Dig your way to the very bottom where the bottom part of the map seems to drop off into an abyss or a very wide chasm. This is in fact the cavern at the very bottom where you can find the Black Tiger fish you need.
As usual, press F5 before taking that fall (just in case), but basically, you should find yourself dropped into an underground ocean. Kill as many fishes as you need to grab 10 skins, construct a sturdy tower to bring you up caves again. Be sure to bring along lots of reinforced concrete blocks or at least enough materials to craft these blocks.
Or... you could just set up a teleporter near to your base and bring along another teleporter for use when you drop down into the flooded caverns.
    • Gems - red and blue
    The yellow fireflies drop blue gems; the red fireflies drop either a red or a blue gem, while the blue fireflies drop blue gems. Not 100% drop rate.
    • Tooth
    You can get them by killing the wolves. Like Gems, it's not a 100% drop so you might need to farm a bit.
    • Spiked Skin
    You can get these by killing the porcupines in the game. Like Gems and Tooth, it's not a 100% drop so you might need to farm a bit.
    • Wood - they are everywhere on the surface
    2. Never leave your crafting machines behind. Bring them along with you at ALL times. After all you don't exactly have an inventory limit, so why bother trying to save space?

    3. Always gather more resources than what you expect you'll need. You'll never know, right?

    4. Reserved for future addition.....

    I've completed the game pretty quickly despite having an OCD that forces me to collect every ore vein that I see even though I already have hundreds of them.

    Also, I'll try to get screenshots and put them up later on - just so you know where you can find the stuff you need :)