
Thursday, October 23, 2014

Kuku kube - test your eyesight

Note: You'll need a good enough computer for this :)

Test your eyesight by clicking the different shade of colour in a group of colours in Kuku kube. You gotta choose fast and accurately.

Can you spot the different shaded cube yet? This is fairly obvious :) But you got to choose fast in order to get a high score!

Ready for the challenge? Click here to find out! Feel free to post your scores in the comment below... and I'll get the ball rolling by saying that my best score is 24 (I've played it only once lol :P).

So... what's yours? :)

Feel free to also share your score on Facebook, Twitter or any social media using the hashtag #kukukube. Enjoy!~ 


Here's another Kuku kube-like test that you can try - it is more forgiving than Kuku kube and provides an easy way for you to share your score on Facebook.

As you can see, I did rather badly :P when you didn't have enough sleep, well, this stuff happens.

For more 'tests' such as this one, feel free to check out my other posts:

Face Memory Test - Do you have the superhuman ability to recognise faces from just a glance?
How Dark is Your Personality?
Stanford Sleepiness Scale: Are You Getting Enough Sleep?
Which TED Talk are you?
Find out your EQ score!
Whose #Brainchild are you?
How old are your ears?
How many colours can you see?
Do you ever have trouble telling right from left?
Hooked on Music - What makes music so catchy?
Twitch Reflex Challenge!
How Well Do You See Colour?