Thursday, March 26, 2015

Do you ever have trouble telling right from left?

I've always had this problem, so it's not really surprising to me that it took me more than twice as long to try the right/left set than the up/down set.

What to do:

  1. When you're ready, click on 'go to the first test'
  2. You'll be given either an up/down set or a left/right set to do. Identify the directions correctly as fast as you can (if it helps, you can say the words out loud)
  3. Then, as soon as you've finished, click 'finished'
  4. You'll get the time for that set. Jot it down somewhere.
  5. Then click on 'continue experiment' to proceed to the next set
  6. Repeat steps 2 and 4.
  7. Compare the timing for both sets.

Here are my times for both sets:
Up/down - 11.417
Left/right - 27.036

Anyway, take this test to find out how well you'll do! 

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