Saturday, June 13, 2015

Hearing Test: How old are your ears?

Actually, I've tested this out like when the video first came out, but well, somehow, I forgot to put it up here.

!!! - Do note that the headphones and computer that you're using to view the video may affect your results... so technically, the results you get might not be correct. - !!!

Also, you should view the video at highest resolution - 1080p (by going to the gear-shaped icon in the video menu bar and under the title "Quality", choose "1080P (HD)") and use headphones.

Okay, are your ears ready? Here it is! :)

If you can hear

8000 Hertz (Hz) - Average age (like everyone else) and not hearing impaired
12,000 Hz - Under 50 years old
15,000 Hz - Under 40 years old
16,000 Hz - Under 30 years old
17,000-18,000 Hz - Under 24 years old
19,000 Hz (the sound is affected in the video, so you wouldn't hear anything) - Under 20 years old

Now for the results...

well, I'm around 25, but my ears are between 30 to 40 years old... guess I'm listening to too much music via headphones lol...

Anyway, what's YOUR results? Feel free to post them up on your social media sites and use the hashtag #HearingTest and spread the word around!

Have fun!

For more 'tests' such as this one, feel free to check out my other posts:

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