
Saturday, January 24, 2015

The 2nd Annual Cookie-Making Safety Meeting Report

A round of applause for everyone involved! This year, we had a record of 0 burns for every one of our members. It's really great to see everybody here exercising caution and is aware of their own safety when making cookies for CNY.

Since the main objective of the safety meeting has been reached, it is safe to say that this meeting may no longer be needed for the following years. Thus, I'm going to disband this meeting in earnest. I'm honoured to chair the second and last meeting!

Note: To clear up any confusion in regard to the years reported, the 2011 report is for the CNY in 2012; the 2012 report is for the CNY in 2013 while the 2013 report is for the CNY in 2014. However, since the CNY in 2015 is in mid of February, our cookie-making sessions are delayed accordingly. 

Why 30 is not the new 20

This blog post is inspired by Meg Jay's TED talk of the same title.

Before I start compiling stuff that I find is very meaningful or inspiring, let me give you a quick summary of what she propose that we, 20-somethings should consider to do while we're still 20-somethings...

According to her, 20-somethings is the defining decade of adulthood! 
1. Get your identity capital - Do something that adds value to who you are and as an investment to who you want to be next. Explore work and make it count!

[This, I super-agree. If I hadn't explored different type of work, I may not realise that I enjoy doing a plethora of things that I initially thought I would be bad at. However, there's a thin line between 'exploring' and 'procrastinating', so make sure which is which, from your P.O.V. of course (... honestly, I have no idea which side I'm on right now lol).

Also now, I have too many 'ideas' and no clear direction (long-term ones) to move towards... which is quite as bad as having no direction at all IMHO]

2. New things come from weak ties. Don't just stay in your 'urban tribes'... network with other people!

[She means that we, 20-somethings should network more... (the introversion in me is getting the shivers now, aiks...)]

3. The time to start picking your family is in your 20-somethings

[She said not to wait until the very last moment when you'll just pick the one nearest to you]

More reading:
(This is similar to what Meg has said in her TED talk, but the summary in Forbes made it easier to read :) )

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Monday, January 19, 2015

My website is ALIVE! ...uhm LIVE!

It's alive, it's alive, it's alive, it's A-LIVE!!! 

Yes, my dear blog readers! I've -finally- finished the website that I've been talking about for quite some time. There is a few part on the site that is still "under construction", but I hope you don't mind. :)

It's live at :)

So, yeah, if you know of anybody that needs any of my services offered over there, share that website to them and I'll get something set up for your friend. 

If you don't need anything, you could still head over there to read my "very interesting" biography ;)

Well, this is supposed to be a quick blog post announcing my website, so I'll keep it short. Ciao for now!

P/S: Stay tuned for the next annual CNY cookie-making safety report ;)

Friday, January 16, 2015

Home Free - Champagne Taste (On a Beer Budget)

I'm a sucker for good country music and this happens to be one with loads of hilarious lyrics and a catchy tune. Highly recommended!

Though, it may be a bit too country for some people hehe :P


The other day, I checked my bank account
I could swear it was the wrong amount
And I didn't understand 'cause
I'd been workin' hard
For the life of me, I didn't know where it went
I hadn't even paid the rent
Then the Mercedes pulled up in the yard
Oh, lord, I should have seen it comin'
This time I'm in deep

Now I'm headin' to the poorhouse
Or headin' to jail
And if I end up there
I ain't makin' bail
And if it goes to court
I sure don't have a case
'Cause I ran out of money
Some time ago
But if you look at my wife
You'd never know
I'm afraid my baby's got champagne taste
On a beer budget

Well. my throat dried up
And my heart just sunk
As she motioned me over
And popped the trunk
And I tried to ignore her absent-minded smile
And, boy, I was greeted by quite the crew
This Louis Vuitton and some Jimmy Choo
And that was just the fellas who were sittin' on top of the pile
I said, Baby, there's a Walmart a block away
And I don't think they sell these brands

Now I'm headin' to the poorhouse
Or headin' to jail
And if I end up there
I ain't makin' bail
And if it goes to court
I sure don't have a case
'Cause I ran out of money
Some time ago
But if you look at my wife
You'd never know
I'm afraid my baby's got champagne taste
On a beer budget

All the bills are in my name
*All the bills are in his name*
They're gonna haul my ass away
*They're gonna haul his ass away*
And I won't see her pretty face at all
'Cause the prison is nowhere near the mall

Now I'm headin' to the poorhouse
Or headin' to jail
And if I end up there
I ain't makin' bail
And if it goes to court
I sure don't have a case
'Cause I ran out of money
Some time ago
But if you look at my wife
You'd never know
I'm afraid my baby's got champagne taste
On a beer budget

Oh, oh

Peter Hollens & Home Free - 19 You & Me cover

I can't properly describe how awesome this song is... you just have to listen to it yourself. Bonus points if you're a fan of country/R&B music

Original song is by Dan+Shay


It was our first week
At Myrtle Beach
Where it all began

It was 102°
Nothin' to do
Man it was hot
So we jumped in

We were summertime sippin', sippin'
Sweet tea kissin' off of your lips
T-shirt drippin', drippin' wet
How could I forget?

Watchin' that blonde hair swing
To every song I'd sing
You were California beautiful
I was playin' everything but cool
I can still hear that sound
Of every wave crashin' down
Like the tears we cried
That day we had to leave
It was everything we wanted it to be
The summer of
19 you and me

We had our first dance in the sand
It was one hell of a souvenir
Tangled up, so in love
So, let's just stay right here

'Til the sun starts creepin', creepin' up
Right then I knew
Just what you were thinkin', thinkin' of
When I looked at you

Watchin' that blonde hair swing
To every song I'd sing
You were California beautiful
I was playin' everything but cool
I can still hear that sound
Of every wave crashin' down
Like the tears we cried
That day we had to leave
It was everything we wanted it to be
The summer of
19 you and me and me

Watchin' that blonde hair swing
To every song I'd sing
You were California beautiful
Beautiful, beautiful

Watchin' that blonde hair swing
To every song I'd sing
You were California beautiful
I was playin' everything but cool
I can still hear that sound
Of every wave crashin' down
Like the tears we cried
That day we had to leave
It was everything we wanted it to be
The summer of
19 you and me

First week in myrtle beach where it all began..

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

How to combine files into 1 PDF

So, I encountered this problem when I'm... well... doing something ;) Anyway, I needed to combine multiple jpeg images into 1 PDF and with a quick search on Google, I yielded plenty of potential sites. However, after looking through the various sites, I've decided on

Despite its rather funny and weird name, this is a very reliable PDF combiner. You can switch around the order of the files you wanted to combine before you actually combine them. It's very simple to use. Within a few minutes, I have the document (14 page-worth of document) combined and downloaded. :)

Best of all, you don't even need to download any software to install it - it's web-based! You don't even need to give the site your email address in order to download your combined PDF!

In terms of security of sensitive documents, the site does have a privacy policy here it states that your documents are protected and will not be accessed by their staff or sold/ given out to third parties. How true it is, well, I cannot guarantee. Use at your own risk!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

The Very Organized Thief review


Steal... uhm, "borrow" as many things on the list as you can and escape in time in this short and sweet game - The Very Organized Thief! It's best to escape before the owner arrived home, but don't worry if he is home... you can still sneakily escape, provided that you're not caught. However, be warned that if the owner's home and see the knocked over table or vase, he'll definitely be on the lookout for you and will be searching every room. 

This game is pretty fun in the first few run-throughs, but since most of the items that you have to find are not exactly randomly placed (although the list of items to "borrow" will change in every playthrough), so you can easily memorised the locations of the items and collect them pretty quick in the 2nd or third run-through. 

I like that the game has this security safe in the bedroom that contains a gold bar that your list will surely have. You will need to find the office key to enter the locked office and then search the desk drawers for the 4-number code to unlock the safe.

There are also plenty of cash wads hidden in shelves, cabinets or drawers, be sure to search for them all. :)

After successfully escaping, you will be shown the total value of the items that you've "borrowed" as well as the time you used to search the house. 


List of things to "borrow" :P This list changes with every playthrough even though the locations of the items do not change much.

Items that are on the list will show the option to "take" the item instead of "pick up". So, you can easily identify the items that you need without needing to keep referring to the list. 

You must successfully escape to earn a score - it doesn't matter much if you didn't complete the list of items needed (but you will get a lower score due to not having some of the items on the list)

Tips and hints: 

1. Remember to search the desk drawers for extra wads of cash, the key and the code for the safe.


- Some items placed in the lower drawers cannot be taken and you cannot control your character to squat in order to retrieve the item. 

Or you can just google - The Very Organized Thief.

They are also creating a full-length game soon. Stay tuned! :)