An excellent piece written about the slowing of Earth's rotation. The time when the Earth actually stood still.
New Earth
It was a slow day, they say,
The day the world stopped turning.
Everyone and everything fell sideways
The Earth itself ground to a halt.
It was a slow day, they say,
When the ocean's fell sideways
And the hundred mile waves washes across every Eastern shore.
When the water's receded, the west got battered next.
It was a sad day, they say,
When people in planes could hear the Earth scream
And the world was torn asunder.
When the people in planes became the only ones left.
It is a sad life, they say,
Where the sun beams down indefinitely
And the world they live in is constant summer.
Where the other side is Ice.
The sun shines over the new borders of Africa and Europe
Asia get's some, too.
It's a sad life, up in the Himalayas.
Where they say it used to be snowy
Beautiful and white.
The rocky cliffs aren't good for farming
But the valleys burn and swelter
Fires break out spontaneously.
It's a good thing they can't live down there anymore,
They say
It's a lonely life, they tell me
Where the population of Earth is four thousand.
Set up in small colonies in the mountains
It's the only safe place, they say.
It's a happy life, she tells me,
Tugging her mothers shim-sham skirt.
She doesn't know our Earth,
Says her mother.
She is the first girl born into the new one
It was a slow day, they say,
When the Earth stood still.
By Kreskell
Check her out on Deviantart.