
Sunday, October 26, 2014

The last day of tuition class

That moment when a Form 1 kid's eyes grew as wide as windows when she realised the falcon tube of KCl solution in her hand became very chilly as she shook it...

Or that a std 1 kid exclaimed in horror/ joy (I'm not very sure which) when the shadow of his tiny dinosaur puppet became as large as Godzilla when the torchlight is placed closer to the puppet.

These are the best ways to seal the end of my tuition teacher work life.

And also, who says only magic can trigger that feeling of childlike amazement and wonder? Science can do that too! No matter how much you've learned, there will always be some science-y stuff out there that will wow you!

Oh and since I'm writing about this, I might as well go ahead with this list of 'the perks of having a science tuition teacher who....'

1. The perks of having a science tuition teacher who is a postgrad in science (who has unrestricted access to many basic chemicals in the lab)
- Live demonstrations of very basic chemical reactions in action! And some hands on too - if the chemicals are safe to handle with bare hands.
- Plenty of daily life examples and on-the-spot simple home experiments/suggestions that you can do at home

2. Or the perks of having a multilingual teacher who can teach the subject in whichever language you like (namely Malay, English or Mandarin)

3. Or the perks of having a tuition teacher who likes having fun in class and has plenty of (game) ideas (that are related to the class in question) up their sleeves
- Shadow puppet making sessions - during the chapter on shadows and light
- Hangman game for learning new words in BM and English
- bi3 hua4 jie1 long2 for recalling Chinese words that you have learnt as well as knowing how to calculate the bi3 hua4 for these words.

4. Or even the perks of having a tuition teacher who is basically crazy (in some sense).
- Funny and crazy demonstrations in class - that made the teacher seemed silly enough but drives home a point
- Chatting with your teacher - checked
- Never getting scolded... not really.