
Friday, June 24, 2016

Brexit - What It Means for Me

I haven't been writing for quite some time, but this issue has really prompted me to start writing again.. hilarious, right?

Anyway, for a citizen of a developing nation who aspire to perhaps one day move to a better place, Brexit comes as a huge blow.

You see... I can't move to the US where people often get massacred because of the lack of gun control and the impending political mayhem.

I can't go to Europe now, especially when Brexit is causing a major political and economical turmoil over there... Some are calling now Brexit a "DIY recession"... lol...

I really don't want to go to Australia because of the prevalence of melanoma and the rip in the ozone layer.

Anywhere in the Middle East, Africa or South America is not sufficiently safe...

Sigh, what has the world turned into?