
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Left and right, right and left?

I have always had some problems with differentiating left from right. I had to take a few seconds more just to say to myself: "Ok, the hand which is your writing hand is your right hand." It's rather embarrassing but that's that, right? I mean, how the hell could someone with a brain as big as yours can't separate left from right? It's downright humiliating.

This time, however, I actually have to differentiate left and right alignment in my mid-sem web page exam. Perhaps of overconfidence... (well, the previous questions are all very straight-forward and easy) or maybe previous distraction caused by a -1 mark from the Management assignment or perhaps it's just pure unluckiness, I wrote the wrong answer for a particularly easy question and now I feel really stupid and rather disappointed with myself. My Dad told me that overconfidence is one of the things that would be my undoing.

"Keep your confidence level in check, always..." I keep reminding myself but somehow I must have lost my control over it - and it sprang out like a panther, striking anyone within reach and, unfortunately, the only person close enough for it to sink its claws in is me.

Sigh.... What if I just took a longer time to think before I write, maybe I could notice the trick in the question (a rather mean April's Fool trick for those like me), but no... I did not. What if I stayed in the freezing exam hall a little longer, check through my exam papers over and over? Maybe I could spot the mistake in time? I would never know.

How now I wish I could turn back time to undo my very silly mistake. I'll probably never get my wish -I know- but the possibility, no matter how minute it is, is rather tempting.

Some one would wonder how the hell am I going to drive a car with such crippling difficiency in place? I probably take a longer time than most people to turn on the right/left signals. Will I be a cause of accidents because of this? I really hope not.

Well, what's done is done. There's no going back and redoing it again. I have to face this humiliating mistake that I've done and correct it once and for all (I hope I dont need to tie colour ribbons around my wrist/s lol, I usually have my watch to do that for me). If it's unluckiness, then I'll just have to make the best of this and plough through. But if this kind of mistake occurs again sometime in the future, I'll... grr...

*Btw I hate slow internet!!! Man, this place sucks! I'm going to stay at some other private house soon (I hope)..
**When I'm upset, I'll probably make lots of typo mistakes, so forgive me. I'll re-edit asap.

Original date of publish: April 1, 2009 at 9:38 am