Starting a game in Keplerth |
I loved Don't Starve and Keplerth's gameplay reminds me so much of it. Graphics-wise, it's more similar to Rimworld though.
Anyway, I'll be updating this guide as I play more and hopefully, I'll be able to help you find most of the stuff you'll need.
Update: The guide has expanded so much, I thought a Table of Contents (TOC) is now necessary. Here's a list of what this guide contains:
- Where to find ores, blocks and other items
--- Copper, Iron, Coal, Snow, Sulfur, Silver, Gold, Eggs, Glass
- How to play - Beginner's Guide
- General Tips and Tricks
- Combat Tips
- Cooking/ Food Recipes
--- Big Feast, Pie, Fruit Jam, Scrambled Eggs, Meatballs, All-Meat, Sweet Ham, Fruit Salad, Compressed Cookie, Sweet Soup, Roasted Meat, Roasted Mushroom
- Uncooked Food
--- Berries, Uncooked Meat, Mutated Meat, Egg, Disgusting Organ
- Going Underground - What can you expect?
P/S: You can click on the screenshot to enlarge it
Where to find ores, blocks and other items
- Copper - can be found both above and underground. Has a golden-orange color which can be slightly difficult to discern if you are hunting for it in the desert region in the evening.
How to spot copper ore |
- Iron - Can be found both above and underground (starting from Underground level 1). Can be slightly difficult to differentiate from normal stone blocks in poorly lit areas, but generally, they look shinier than normal stone blocks.
How to spot iron ore |
Another one - can you spot the iron ore? |
- Coal - Mostly found underground. You can differentiate between normal stone and coal blocks by checking for black specks at the edges of the block.
Coal vs Stone - how to differentiate them |
- Snow - You can find snow in regions where you can find pine trees and firs. They are available both above and underground.
How to find snow |
- Sulfur - Seems to be exclusively underground. Found my first batch at level 5. It's really easy to spot these - just look for yellowish specks at the edges of what looks seemingly like normal stone.
How to find Sulfur in Keplerth? |
- Silver - Underground - found my first silver at level 7 (you'll definitely be able to find more the lower down you go). Haven't encountered any silver above ground (yet). It looks a lot like Iron and Stone though, and thus, it can be hard to differentiate between silver and those two.
How to find Silver in Keplerth |
- Gold - Working on it
- Eggs - You'll need to pen in some chickens using blocks or fences, place a feeding trough, put in some food (I usually use grass because they are widely available) and just wait. (Update: Apparently, you don't need a pair of animals. Just one will do)
How to get eggs in Keplerth |
- Glass - Smelt Sand at the Furnace to get Glass bars. You can then craft it into "Walls" a.k.a. windows for your building.
How to Play - Beginner's Guide
The first thing you should do in a new game is to
- Get some stone and wood asap
- Press "C" to open up the Crafting menu and craft a Stone Pickaxe, a Stone Axe, Wooden armor and a Stone Club.
- Craft and place a Workbench and a Stove
- Go out again and this time, focus on getting food - Meat from animals (use your Stone Club), cherries from cherry bushes, and apples from apple trees. Get more stone and grass as well while you're out.
- Return to your base in the evening and replace all non-titanium parts of your base with stone walls (crafted via the Workbench) and craft Torches using the grass and wood you have.
- For the first night, you should 1. start crafting a ton of Big Feasts (place any meat into one of the slots, and apples and cherries in the remaining slots) via your Stove. Note that you'll need to have enough wood to cook stuff. 2. You should go underground (there's a flight of stairs in your base) and start hunting for copper.
- ...Pending
General Tips and Tricks
- Start by playing Casual mode, unless you are like me and are a very careful player (have had no deaths yet - Day 33). Use this playthrough as a way to learn how the game works since no tutorial is provided.
- You can chop down cherry bushes and apple trees for a chance to get their seeds. You can then replant them closer to your base. Like this:
- You can melt semi-broken metal-made items like armor, weapons or tools at the Furnace.
- You can "steal" the Goblin Workbench from Goblin areas (there's usually a goblin boss in it, but you don't have to fight it to get to the workbench). This workbench will unlock bone-related crafting, including Bone Cage which lets you capture animals and bring them back to your main base for rearing.
Goblin Workbench - All sorts of bone crafting |
How to use the Bone Cage - there's no need to trap the animal. Simply right click on the cage and then on an animal. The animal can still move around while you wait for the "capturing process" to end... and viola! |
- As long as you build your base/outposts with walls that you've crafted yourself, enemies shouldn't spawn within those walled off areas. The place have to be well-lit too I reckon (like in Minecraft).
- Surprisingly, you can plant seeds and grow stuff while technically underground.
- Using better metal bars to craft a Workbench is pointless since you still get the same list of crafting options. Better save the metal bars for crafting armor, weapons, and tools.
- You can use your fists to collect grass, flowers, rocks and any other items that are very easily collectable to save on your tools' durability.
- Crafting doesn't drain your hunger meter as gathering resources does. Be sure to pack lots of food if you plan on going for long trips.
Combat Tips
- Enemy archers - Find a place where you can round a corner asap. Wait on the other side of that corner with your weapon ready. When the archer appears, rush forward and start stabbing it.
- Bigger enemies - Use a spear to deal with these enemies because it has a nice push-back effect, allowing you to stay a comfortable distance away from getting hammered. You can also use ranged weapons to deal with these enemies - the most important thing is to NOT engage in close combat with them!
- Most enemies don't attack walls and doors you've build to get at you. Once line of sight is broken, they will wander aimlessly around the area they have last seen you. As such, you can build small rooms around your stairs while underground to prevent ambushes by monsters when you head downwards as well as small outposts when you're out roaming on the surface.
- However, archers/ ranged enemies and larger monsters are different, and if you reached level 11 underground, the robots that roam there are pretty zealous about killing you too and will destroy just about anything that gets in their way.
- Different food with "Heals over Time" effects can be stacked. If you really need some emergency heals, this is a way you can quickly heal up.
- The buffs provided by taking pills can be stacked too.
Recipes (Work in progress)
Please take note that Disgusting Organs, Jerky, and Mutated Meat are considered as meat as well. Nectar is not a fruit.
1. Big Feast
How to cook Big Feast - Big Feast recipe |
- Any 1 x meat + 2 fruits OR Any 2 x meat + 1 fruit (Stove)
- OR Any meat or fruits plus a Roasted food
- Restores 25% satiety
- Tip: Stock this up (or the All-meat meal) for long-distance trips.
- Tip 2: The easiest way to get a ton of this is by having both an orchard for apples and cherries, and a mushroom farm. Roast the mushrooms you get over a campfire first and then place all 3 food into the stove.
2. Pie
How to cook Pie - Pie recipe |
- Egg + 2 x Fruits OR Egg + 1 x Fruit + 1 x Nectar (Stove)
- Restores 15% for both HP and Satiety
3. Fruit Jam
How to get Fruit Jam - Fruit Jam recipe |
- Any 3 x fruits, not including Nectar (Stove)
- Restores 25% HP and 5% Satiety
4. Scrambled Eggs
How to cook Scrambled Eggs in Keplerth - Scrambled Eggs recipe |
- 3 x Eggs (Stove)
- Restores 20% of Satiety and decreases hunger speed for 35% for 1 minute
5. Meatballs
How to cook Meatballs in Keplerth - Meatballs recipe |
- 2 x meat + 1 x egg
- Restores 28% and decreases hunger speed for 35% for 1 minute
6. All-meat
How to get All-Meat - All-meat recipe |
- 3 x any meat (Stove)
- Restores 35% satiety, delay hunger for 35% for 1 minute
- Tip: If you have a ton of meat, then this is what you need to stock up for long trips.
7. Sweet Ham
How to cook Sweet Ham - Sweet Ham recipe |
- Nectar + any 2 x meat (Stove)
- Restores 20% satiety plus 1 HP per second for 20 seconds
8. Fruit Salad
How to cook Fruit Salad - Fruit Salad recipe |
- Nectar + Apple + Cherry (Stove)
- Restores 15 HP plus 1 HP per second for 20 seconds
9. Compressed Cookie
- Obtained from crates or chests. Cannot be crafted
- Restores 10% satiety
- Restores 8% HP and 3% Satiety
2. Uncooked meat (except mutated meat)
3. Mutated meat
- Restores 10% Satiety plus a 2-min Mutated Skin effect (might vary) where Def is increased by 4 points but Hunger Speed increased by 10% and Atk decreased by 2 points.
4. Egg
5. Disgusting Organs
- Restores 10% Satiety plus a Nausea effect which will reduce your walking speed by 25% for 1 minute
Going Underground - What you can expect?
- Level 1 and below - You can find coal, copper, stone and dirt along with the usual monsters
- Level 3 (or so) and below - Iron
- Level 5 and below - Sulfur. Tougher monsters spawn here.
- Level 7 and below - Silver.
- Level 11 and below - Robot enemies that will break down walls and doors to get to you.
**Took a break and played Grim Dawn instead :P Will be back to Keplerth before you know it!