
Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Wordscapes Answers - AUTUMN - RED

All levels, all answers and all bonus words!

All the levels are listed here:

P/S: You can use Ctrl+F to find the level you need answers to :)
P/P/S: Click on the image to enlarge.


Red 1

Bonus Word/s: Hat, Haw, Pay, Way

Red 2

Bonus Word/s: Vane

Red 3

Bonus Word/s: Ales, Laze, Sale, Sloe, Zeal, Louse

Red 4

Bonus Word/s: Oat, Too, Tot, Toot

Red 5

Bonus Word/s: Hut, Tan Tun

Red 6

Bonus Word/s: Cel, Ere, Ley, Lye, Rec, Cycler

Red 7

Bonus Word/s: Ire, Tit, Rite, Twit, Titter

Red 8

Bonus Word/s: Pram, Prog, Roar

Red 9

Bonus Word/s: No bonus words

Red 10

Bonus Word/s: And, Gad, Gar, Nag, Ran, Lard, Raga, Rand

Red 11

Bonus Word/s: Dig, Lid, Gird, Drily

Red 12

Bonus Word/s: Rent, Tare, Tarn, Tern

Red 13

Bonus Word/s: Cel, Cog, Gel, Leg

Red 14

Bonus Word/s: Fay, Fly, Pal, Yap, Full

Red 15

Bonus Word/s: Cel, Cell, Tole, Celt

Red 16

Bonus Word/s: Eels, Lets, Pees, Tees, Peels, Pelts, Stele, Pestle, Tepees