At Yakult, I've confirmed my believes that it is really good for the health. Surprisingly most of the process there do not require much man-power - this is the power of industrialization I guess. At High 5 Bread Town, I've learned about the legacy of bread which is something that I'm rather interested about and also the processing part. The guide given was rather abrupt and fast - I must have missed out loads of stuff :|
Anyway, learned stuff aside, I've also realised that between my friends and I, we have almost nothing in common (besides being in the same course lah) hence I really starting to feel the gradual separation between them and I - after today, I've got a feeling that I'm just there to fill in whenever the lecturer needed a 5-person assignment group and to head the group when no one else wanted that position. I just... well, I dunno how I really feel right now - mixed feelings. Maybe and probably I'm just thinking too much.
Okay, that's it. Cya!
Okay, that's it. Cya!