I guess since I've started doing arenas with a fellow warrior - well geared and skilled ^^ I could put up some of the more triumph moments here - just saying, we have never lost a match to date yet! =) btw I was on my mage.
Most of the time, we're up against hunters (since they do like super OP damage here - 36k chimera shot, can you imagine? and I had 4 set bloodthirsty gear) and warriors (super OP victory rush which can heal the warrior for almost his full health which is like 100k health) or prot/holy pallies (super OP since forbearance is not working lol... but then in arena, they might be very slightly less OP :P).
I was lucky to have such a great partner - being a warrior, he managed to hold all the 2 attackers attention while I'm dpsing away without interruptions (ofc, I had to kite a bit now and then to avoid the hunter but my partner will usually charge the hunter if he is suddenly interested in killing me).
We had a nice winning streak so far, but well, due to recent events and my interest in learning how to play the very buggy (lots of the talents are not working, not to mention glyphs...) resto druid spec, I've stopped logging in my mage. In wotlk, my druid has a very high survivability, almost unlimited mana and I know how to avoid getting killed but in Cata, my mana ran out too quickly - maybe my teammates are just taking too much damage... I dunno - I had adapted to the new style of healing in Cata though - most of the time, I'm doing Healing Touch now instead of Nourish spamming. Regrowth's duration ran out too quickly and that stupid glyph is not working. lawl~
Anyway, I've tried doing arenas with my warrior but I got mowed down by a freaking prot pally with wings and bubble AT THE SAME TIME and he was like hitting me for 50k per sec (a variety of spells adding up to). Not to mention, that stupid shammy casting his spells (he's abusing haste) like within 0.5s... cannot even interrupt any of his spells coz too fast zzzz. Though, I'd say I'm not really familiar with playing warrior yet - stance changing is not really my strongest part LOL. I get mowed down by frost mages, mutilate rogues (you know with full bloodthirsty, a lvl 82 rogue's deadly poison can hit me for almost 2k per sec WTF!! But I won every duel with him though - retaliate is a life saver xD. What will his dmg be when he hit 85? lawl), OP hunters who can hit 35k-36k with chimera, shammies who somehow can cast WHILE MOVING and even devouring plague-spamming priests!! WTF!! Though, I thought I had put up a good fight in some of the cases.