Mostly, it sucks lol...
Some of the stuff that were changed (that I've noticed) are:
- You need a Google+ account to comment
- YouTube inbox is useless and removed. All notifications will appear on your G+ notifications (refer to bottom)
- Any comments made, every share etc on your video will spam your G+ notifications... yay to this LOL. Perhaps you can set it to 'no notifications'
- There are no more separation for uploader's comment and other people's comment
- The default setting for comment is 'top comments' - you'll need that extra few clicks to set it back to 'newest comment' setting
- You can no longer reply to comments that are posted prior to the change in the comment system
- Oh and sometimes, you suddenly cannot comment or reply to people's comment... wtf!
I can accept change when it is a good change... unfortunately, YouTube comment system is not one... it is more trouble than what it's worth. Unless it gets a fix real soon, I'm sure this new system will piss a lot of other people off as well... though it will probably not decrease the daily number of YouTube users lol.