
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Thesis: Acknowledgement

Okay, I've promised myself that I'll put up the acknowledgement of my Master's thesis here so that perhaps one day, the people that I'm grateful for might stumble upon it and get a very pleasant surprise :)

So here goes! 

P/S: Do not copy my Acknowledgement ya? Obviously, the people you will want to thank and the reason/s you want to thank them for will be drastically different from mine. You can use this as a template to get you started, but I find it easier to simply write from the heart. I'm sure you will realise that too :)

P/P/S: Names have been shortened to protect the people in this acknowledgement. The initials should be enough to let these people know that I'm referring to them :)


Firstly, I would like to convey my deepest gratitude to my esteemed main supervisor, Assoc Prof TTH for giving me the opportunity to pursue my masters’ degree. His advice and support is invaluable to me during this arduous postgraduate journey. I would also very much like to thank my honoured co-supervisors, Dr Subash G. and Dr Citartan M.. Their years of accumulated expertise on aptamers proved to be indispensable to this project. I’m also very grateful for their willingness to share what they knew to me. A special thanks goes to Dr HCH who was my mentor during my earlier months in the lab. His advice on lab techniques as well as on life (in general) is something that I will remember for as long as I live.

A huge shout out of thanks to my fellow lab mates at the Infectomic Cluster, especially to LLP and Kak Siti, for their constructive comments and guidance, without which I may not be here today. I wish them the best of luck in their own journeys! Another significant individual that I would like to express my utmost gratitude is to my dear friend and ex-lab mate, TYR (Lyra). Her cheerful outlook on life and her enthusiasm towards science are extremely contagious. I’m very proud to list her as one of my best friends (It is a very short list). Just in case I left anyone, who had helped to bring this thesis to fruition, out in this acknowledgement, sorry and thank you!

I would also like to express my appreciation to my family and also my boyfriend, TSY, for their loving support and encouragement, particularly when I had faltered in my journey. They saved me from the murky depths of depression when I could not see bright light in the seemingly endless and dark tunnel that embodies my postgraduate study and I am forever indebted to them.

Last but not least, my sincere gratitude to Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (AMDI) for giving me my student grant, which helped tremendously in getting some vital lab reagents that I could not do without, and also for awarding me with the position of Graduate Assistant that greatly reduced my financial burden.  Thank you!

Welcoming the New Year - 2016

Whew, what a year indeed!

I've finally graduated from the dreaded postgrad studies that I've landed myself in... thank goodness. I still feel like the mental torture that I've put myself through isn't really worth it though :P

This year, I've gotten myself a job that I actually like, though not something that has anything to do with what I've studied over the past 7 years (degree+masters)... but it has something to do with somethings (namely writing and gaming) that I've liked since I was young lol :P

I've even gotten myself a pretty sweet promotion at this job of mine, and some really nice gifts to go along with it. Honestly, I can honestly said that I've never been more content with my life... even though I'm still very unsure what my future will lead to.

Heck, I'm not even sure what I'll be doing a year from now, but what I now know is that I am perhaps strong enough to handle it :) Who knows? I might just go on ahead and finally set up that food business idea that I had stewing inside my head for so long :P

Anyway, not many of my resolutions are being completed... unfortunately (and as expected), but well, I'll still set goals for me for the new year... because at least you have goals :)

1. Learn how to play the guitar... but I'll have to buy a guitar first!
2. Actually finish learning the languages that I've kinda abandoned in 2015 (French, Spanish, Morse Code etc)
3. Learn more about what my job is all about - lots of online courses
4. Actually attempt to design a small game using Scratch :)
5. Create a new course for people learning Penang Hokkien on Memrise
6. Relearn how to swim - my swimming is supppeeerrr awkward at the moment
7. Go overseas for the very first time - for a vacation, of course!
8. Play at least some of my game "backlogs"
9. Spend more time with my Grandma (in particular), family, and friends
10. Find new ways for me to improve my digital drawing skills and new mediums for me to have fun creating fun stuff

And MOST IMPORTANTLY - Write more stuff on my blog! :D

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Best Science Documentaries on Daily Motion

A list of the documentaries that I've enjoyed :) Have fun watching!

1. BBC Documentary - The Creative Brain: How Insight Works

2. BBC Science - Are Video Games Really That Bad?

BBC Horizon 2015 || BBC Science | Are Video... oleh Burak_Kavakc

3. NOVA Science Now - Human Brain: How Smart Can We Get

BBC DOCUMENTARY 2015 Human Brain How Smart Can... oleh Documentarychannel1

Very interesting! Writing down/journaling about your feelings and anxieties prior to a highly stressful situation helps your brain perform better... and reduces the chance of you getting that dreaded "going blank" phenomenon, especially during exams.

I used to journal on paper during my high school years - coz well, I love to write, so why not? Hehe :P But then I switched over to typing... hence, the birth of Aveyn Toh's blog... where I write prior to stressful situations like exams or rushing assignments for deadlines... I used to think I was procrastinating lol.. but now, maybe... just maybe, my brain is trying to teach me to offload the stress via my writing, so I can perform better later on :) Amazing!

4. NOVA Science Now - How Does The Brain Work?



Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Lily and the Snowman: An Incredible Short Film For Xmas

Instead of making me think of my loved ones - I like to think that I've spend a lot of time with them... which might, or might not be true from their point of view :), it made me recall my youth... where I would spend hours writing stories on the computer that will never be read while listening to my favorite tunes.

Well, maybe I'm just exaggerating... I do hope I would be a good enough writer/author to publish at least 1 or 2 of them. Mainly the gamebooks :P

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Battling Addiction

I was... um, I am a pretty big fan of Tyler Ward. He's a great musician... I love his songs... and he seems like he's a really chill guy.

I have no idea he had these problems though.

His video reminded me of the time when I was hooked on WoW. Granted that WoW is an excellent game and I still love it, I was very much addicted to the game... for years. It's not a major addiction, but it still affected my life and my studies (somewhat). And like all addicts, I was in denial about my addiction even though a small part of me is constantly nagging me... telling me that they (my parents) were right... that I was addicted.

I was very thankful that I have had a very strong will or I would have emerged from my addiction with even more "damage". At uni, I have a friends first policy that I could honestly say I've never broken. It's a struggle honestly... and it's not that I don't enjoy my friends' company, but the allure of WoW can be really strong... I was a total AH addict back then. I have this urge to check my listed items and relist items if I get undercut. It took up quite a lot of my time.

I also have a bit of a "kia su" (afraid to lose) attitude I suppose. No matter how much I long to play, I will still study for my exams and stuff.... but uh, maybe I just study a bit less and a bit more hurriedly, as well as study the subjects later than I would have liked (procrastinating). I got away with this (and still get OK results) for quite some time... until one day, I had a moment of terror when I completely can't recall the formulas I've memorized a few days earlier for a final exam.

It's the "blank" phenomenon... as we Msians call it and it scared the hell out of me. There I was thinking I had managed to do well with minimal studying but this one moment gave me the shock I needed. I still play WoW since then, but I'm a bit more careful about when and how long I play the game. I think that's when I realized that my future, my life... is more important than a virtual life.

And well, there's this: I have to keep my results up or I might lose my scholarship. So, yeah, I didn't went all cold turkey though... and I didn't delete any of my beloved characters, but I think they aren't there any more... it has been years since I last logged into the game.

Even after graduation, I still played the game for a bit, but I'm not sure why... the game starts to lose its hold on me. I still get addicted to games though, but now I know how to manage it... how to prioritise what real life stuff that I value more.

That said, although I still think WoW is the best MMO ever (I might try Guild Wars one day though... and maybe, I may change my mind :P) and that I would love to check out all the new stuff the game has had over the past few years, I'm now a bit afraid of playing WoW again.

Anyway, watching that gut-wrenching video of Tyler talking about his struggles made me realised how grateful I was to have a will that is strong enough to break myself free from my WoW addiction.

So.... that's all there is - my addiction story. What about yours?

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Fun Times in Dirty Bomb

Let me first say that I'm not one of those really hardcore shooters... but I do relish a challenge (and not being facerolled) now and then. 

Most games that I tried for shooter games tend to have some really hardcore players who have like zero tolerance with players who are still learning the game... they expect every player in their team to be a pro. And even worse? They do not even offer any advice or help, but straightaway start flaming people.

I had my fair share of insults mind you and yes, for some of the times, I don't need someone else to tell me I've messed up (sometimes, but not always) in the game - I do that very well on my own. 

Anyway, once I've gotten sufficiently proficient at a game, I do excel at them... somewhat :P Still need to polish up lots of stuff though... like reacting fast enough to avoid a Proxy's well-placed mine, or not be stupid enough to try to have a shootout with a sniper using a submachine gun/assault rifle xD (but well, at least my teammates will know that there's a sniper there and perhaps flush him out to avenge me) 

Here are some of my moments of triumphs :)

My first match of the day - not sure why I did so well this turn, but I sure as hell know that we have a great resser :P  Oh and check out that latency... lol. It's supposed to be a SEA server and my broadband is supposed to be 30 mbps zzz

Didn't do as well in the second turn, but the K/D is pretty good :P
I switched over to playing Objective mode - my favorite mode :)

A crazily tough fight - everyone made mistakes, but we still did it :) I planted both bombs (on the 2 objectives) despite having another Bushwacker on the team. I'm lucky that my teammates saw what I was trying to do and covered me... but well, I'm not that stupid and keep rushing in to get myself blindly killed either :P Oh and they have like 2 Proxies too, who are honestly very annoying.

I have never earned an Ace achievement before. It was a rather proud moment for me :P Update in April 2016: I've gotten a few more Aces since then... yay, I'm improving my l33t skillz

I had a very good team, but they made some mistakes... I do too. 1 good team member almost rage quit-ed, but he stayed... thank goodness, and thankfully, the opponents are pretty much at my/our skill level. So, it was a very good fight. They won some skirmishes; we won some too. It's just an incredible experience, overall :)

Ah well, that said, I'm off to get in an hour or 2 of Fallout 4 :P Ciao! 

Friday, November 20, 2015

Quibblo - Quiz creator

There are plenty of quiz-creating online software freely available on the internet, however, I find Quibblo being the best of them all. Why?

Well, interestingly, once you finish the quiz, Quibblo will show you not only the answers, it will also show the statistics of each answer. For example, there are A to D answers for the question, you'll get to see how many people (in actual figures and percentage) who answered A and B and so on and so forth. It's pretty interesting.

Here's the link:

Have fun! :)

I'll put a quiz here as a demo - for you to test it out ;)


Sunday, November 8, 2015

Personality Test

Okay.. don't laugh but well, I was asked to write reviews for online dating sites and I find that a tad bit awkward and embarrassing, especially considering when I have a BF. 

Anyway, one of these sites have an interesting personality test (by a Dr Helen Fisher) and well, I took it... as it is part of the sign up process. Needless to say, I find the results rather intriguing, though not at all surprising. Well, here goes: 

So apparently, the test separates people into 2 of 4 types - Director, Builder, Negotiator and Explorer. (For an overview of all 4 types of personalities, check out the diagram at the very bottom)

Well, rage is not my thing... not mainly anyway. I would say that I'm more predisposed to getting irritated, and annoyed. When frustrated, I actually might even cry (yes, yes... I was a crybaby... but whatever...). For the rest of the stuff listed, I dare say I have almost all of them to a certain degree (but more than quite a lot of people, I'm surprised to say). 

Now, for the second part, it's a hit-and-miss for half of the stuff, while the other half is pretty much spot on. I don't think I'm overly critical of others as much as I'm overly critical of myself.... and well, calling me "social" is hilarious. I'm as social as a rock... nah, not really, but that's what you'll glean off me when you first meet me anyway.... unless I'm in one of my "crazy" moods where I will share info about myself very freely (within certain boundaries, of course)

I don't actually like to debate... because I'll probably lose lol :P but for the rest of the stuff, I think they are kinda accurate. Do note that, to me, the font size of the words is irrelevant to their importance, coz if it is, then this table is wayyyyyy off.

A summary of all the 4 personality types. Which 2 of them are you? :)

If you like this sort of stuff, I'd recommend you to sign up for the site, using fake info or something, just so you can take the personality test and learn more about yourself. Of course, it is also best to delete your account after this, so as to not bloat up the site with inactive accounts... if you're concerned about that kind of stuff that is :P

P/S: I'm super sorry for not being able to keep this blog updated and such for an entire month. I'll try to put at least some stuff up once a week, though I hope to put more stuff up eventually as I get accustomed to my new work load. I will also post more stuff up on my Facebook page so you can see that I'm still alive and well, and has not went totally off-the-grid for whatever (horrifying) reasons that might come to your mind :P

Friday, November 6, 2015

Upcoming Masters VIVA presentation

Well, the date's fixed and it's on 28th of July :P

The bad news is that I had to write a manuscript before that date and have the slides ready... especially considering that I have practically forgotten quite a lot about my project. Guess it's time to do some intensive reading up... 

I have a really bad feeling about this VIVA... like I did when I was getting ready for my FYP presentation... but at that time, I'm actually happy with what I've gotten (results, although not that good) and I'm actually interested about the topic at hand. 

My supposed project is on TB and hopefully be able to find a way to diagnose it faster... it's a noble cause. I've done extensive research on that topic and had wasted more than half a year on it... with an interim period of 1 year plus... I guess you can understand my frustrations of not being able to do my own project because of some bureaucratic mess that could have been easily solved if someone just kept their big mouth shut and their ego deflated... and that I didn't have to waste months waiting for other people doing "side-projects" that didn't pique my interest at all, cannot be entered into my thesis or be published (I don't care much about publishing academic journals though) and is found out to be defective at the end (I've noticed something was wrong with it, but every time I said "something's not right, I want to double check using XXX method (which costs money)", I was rebuffed).

Now, my current project is not entirely my own and is about something that I have little to no interest in... and the "best" part, I had to do everything within 3 months and start writing or I'll need to shell out ridiculous sums of money for a piece of certificate that I now feel is rather worthless. 

How is it possible to get good stuff within 3 months after you had to suffer through 1 year plus of depression? I tried. The results look rather good... that is until I run them through the software and found the glaring problems. More than half of my results depends on the numbers from the software and now I can't use that part at all, unless I do everything all over again... (I've repeated everything once before). Time is not on my side.

Here comes the clincher... I got an email from my PI who received it from one of my external examiners about how dissatisfied she was with the thesis (she used less than 10 words to express this). Let's just say that this rant is due to this. She (I think it's a "she") then proceeds to use the other more than 10 words going on "student has no respect for the PI"... I was like WTF? Is this my thesis that you're reading about or is this a text-based psychological analysis of the student? If it is the latter, then IPS must have submitted my thesis to the wrong examiner...

Plus, I have absolutely no idea how she could jump to such conclusions from "boringly" written discussions about EPO, doping, assays and aptamers. Heck, it's not like I had a page added into it with "Stupid PI" written all over it. I'm extremely baffled to say the least!

And then there's the worry... if I have this sort of person as my ext. examiner, how the hell can I pass my VIVA? She obviously have some preconceived notion of me (perpetrated by whom, well, let's just say that I have some ideas, but not solid enough to throw accusations around) when she had not even met me! And with my rather weak (IMHO) results, it'll be more than a fight to the "death"! 

I'm not sure I even want to graduate anymore - to hell to those type of people. The postgrad institutions here are so weird (in a bad way) and negative. I'm sure not all people are like that, but I can't seem to find anyone that I think is cool and normal (well, besides the new lecturer who graduated from US - I'm not putting names here... but I dunno, I feel like she's being hugely affected by the very toxic, so-called "academics" there).

I just want to break free from that very mentally harmful environment forever, but I can't do that until I know my final "judgement" at my VIVA. No matter the outcome (for me at least), I think I would be glad to be rid of all these stuff... Though I could be extremely disappointed and perhaps upset to know that I've wasted my best (almost) 3 years there for an experience that has lasting harmful effects on my psyche.

... and I've seriously regretted not following my friend's advice to leave the lab when I had the chance. At that time, I had very promising results (for my previous project) and I thought it would be possible for me to finish this fast - I already know how toxic that lab can be, particularly through the effect on my very cheerful friend - she turned very gloomy at the end.

On the side note, I'll be posting up the "acknowledgement" part of my thesis here after I've submitted my final copy or if I get delayed indefinitely again (I will choose termination if it comes to that). I already saved enough cash to pay back my scholarship if I had to... which amounts to half the cash I need to buy my own car... zzzz

I'm thinking of putting up my entire thesis on scribd too... for free. I'm rebellious that way heh... well, free education and whatnots, right? :P Ah well, I won't go through with this... no guts xD

P/S: Seriously, I have to stop keeping stuff in the draft folder and forgetting about putting them up. - this was written months ago btw. Anyway, everything went well on VIVA, except where that part I embarrassed myself by being caught off guard by a simple question that I, needless to say, answered incorrectly. I did well for the tougher questions though, I think.

P/P/S: Just to let you know I have a whopping 100 drafts in my drafts folder LOL. So yeah, I'll be trying to get things up ASAP. Not sure why I suddenly reignited my passion to keep my blog up to date, but since I had that drive, I might as well make the most out of it :P

Thursday, November 5, 2015

The best ways to turn new players AWAY from your games

I've have had installed and uninstalled a sht load of games since I've picked up my work as a game reviewer, but seriously, there are a couple of games that just get on my nerves.

One such recent game (name not disclosed) has so much problems that range from downloading the friggin files to launching it and that's not including the crazy load of glitches in-game. 

After all, nobody likes being forced through multiple hoops like some circus animal just to play a subpar game. There are plenty more great games out there that don't do this to their new players...

Anyway, here's a list of some of the best ways to turn new players AWAY from your games. 

The downloader from their Official Site is not working and there are absolutely no notice whatsoever telling new players about that. 

This problem forced me to redownload the stupid game multiple times only to get stuck at file number 3 out of 9. WTF. After googling and stumbling into their forums, I realised that this problem had been there since 5 months ago and nobody bothered to fix it. Yup... surefire sign of a development team who don't give 2 shts to their game.

Requires you to download their game via gigs-worth of zip files MANUALLY.

Games that ask you to do this are just not worth it, seriously. I'm sure other similar game alternatives are much better.

Frustrating download is not the end... you get stumped with installation or launching problems

Funny thing is it's not at all your computer's fault.... their super-outdated game is friggin NOT COMPATIBLE to all Windows versions above Windows XP! Even with compatibility option turned on, it is still not launching. 

P/S: A quick update: I ended up turning down the work order due to all these problems. Lost earnings for me and lost free promoting for the game itself... so yeah, it's a lose-lose situation

P/P/S: This post was sitting in my drafts folder for over a month I really need to go through my drafts and start putting things up :P

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

All Time Low - The Edge Of Tonight

Nice tunes :)


It's a long way home,
When you're on your own,
And your only friends are the traffic lights,
Speaking in morse code,
(Yea) The road is long,
And I am tired,
But with you on my horizon,
I will drive until it all breaks down

'Cause I can't breathe without you near,
You keep me safe,
You keep me sane,
You keep me honest,

You keep me alive,
On the edge of tonight,
Chasing tomorrow,
With fire in my eyes, (yea)
You're like a siren in the dark,
You're the beat playing in my heart,
You keep me alive,
On the edge of tonight, (yea)

Spent my whole damn life,
Trying to get things right,
And for every one of my mistakes,
You gave me all these chances,
When the road's too long,
And I am tired,
You are my horizon,
And I'll drive until it all breaks down,

You keep me alive,
On the edge of tonight,
Chasing tomorrow,
With fire in my eyes, (yea)
You're like a siren in the dark,
You're the beat playing in my heart,
You keep me alive,
On the edge of tonight, (yea)

(You keep me safe,
You keep me sane,
You keep me honest, honest, honest, oh woah
You keep me safe,
You keep me sane,
You keep me honest)

You keep me alive,
On the edge of tonight,
Chasing tomorrow,
With fire in my eyes, (yea)
You're like a siren in the dark, [siren in the dark]
You're the beat playing in my heart,
You keep me alive,
On the edge of tonight, (yea)

We're on the edge of tonight
Edge of tonight
You keep me safe,
You keep me sane,
You keep me honest, honest, honest (standing on the edge of tonight)
On the edge of tonight
On the edge of tonight
On the edge of tonight

All Time Low - Old Scars/Future Hearts

Love the undertone at the beginning :)

In the dark there's a light that's calling everyone out
If you could see beyond the walls that you have built
I know it's hard to escape the past and start it again
Those memories of all the future hearts you killed

I don't wanna be the one that's left behind
Don't blame me, don't hate me
I don't wanna be the one that's left behind

I won't fade away
Be forgotten or just cast away
This life is mine to live (this life is mine to live)
I won't fade away
I am lost inside this endless haze of life
But this life is mine to live

Waking up just to catch yourself dreaming again
But you won't think outside the lines that hold you in
You say it's easier just to hide yourself away
To shut the windows, lock the doors and disappear

I don't wanna be the one that's left behind
Don't blame me, don't hate me
I don't wanna be the one that's left behind

I won't fade away
Be forgotten or just cast away
This life is mine to live (this life is mine to live)
I won't fade away
I am lost inside this endless haze of life
But this life is mine to live

We got scars on our future hearts
But we never looked back
No, we never looked back

We got scars on our future hearts
But we never looked back
No, we never looked back

We got scars on our future hearts
But we never looked back
No, we never looked back

We got scars on our future hearts
But we never looked back
No, we never looked back

I don't wanna be the one that's left behind
Don't blame me, don't hate me
I don't wanna be the one that's left behind

I won't fade away
Be forgotten or just cast away
This life is mine to live (this life is mine to live)
I won't fade away
I am lost inside this endless haze of life
But this life is mine to live

I won't fade away
Be forgotten or just cast away
This life is mine to live
I won't fade away
I am lost inside this endless haze of life
But this life is mine to live

We got scars on our future hearts
But we never looked back
No, we never looked back
We got scars on our future hearts
But we never looked back
No, we never looked back

All Time Low - Cinderblock Garden

That guitar in the background is so catchy :D and the chorus is just epic!

The girl with the cinderblock garden
The girl with the cinderblock garden

I think we're onto something,
We can't run from fate,
But we can let it take us down,
Down this road,
Where all our colors run together,
Let's take the worst and make it better,
Let's take this mess and make a home

I know it gets hard for you to stay,
But do you really want to throw it all away?

I'm thinkin'

That we could make forever after all,
Finding the gold in our darkest moments,
Watching the roads turning into white roses, roses,
And we don't ever have to leave these walls,
I'll be the boy with the silver lining,
You'll be the girl with the cinderblock garden

The girl with the cinderblock garden
The girl with the cinderblock garden

Take all the ghosts and all those skeletons,
You hide,
Bury them deep beneath the ground,
Let them rest,
'Cause you weren't meant to bear that burden,
Look at the roses in your garden,
You can breathe now and forget

Forget it gets hard for you to stay,
But we don't really have to throw it all away

I'm thinkin'

That we could make forever after all,
Finding the gold in our darkest moments,
Watching the roads turning into white roses, roses,
And we don't ever have to leave these walls,
I'll be the boy with the silver lining,
You'll be the girl with the cinderblock garden

Just hold out for tomorrow,
Our dreams will follow,
Follow us back to when,
When nothing was broken,
The future was open,
Let's go back again,
Let's go again...

That we could make forever after all,
Finding the gold in our darkest moments,
Watching the roads turning into white roses, roses,
And we don't ever have to leave these walls,
I'll be the boy with the silver lining,
You'll be the girl with the cinderblock garden

The girl with the cinderblock garden
The girl with the cinderblock garden
The girl with the cinderblock garden
The girl with the cinderblock garden

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Find out your EQ score!

Emotional Quotient (EQ) is becoming an important part of our daily lives. Knowing how you'll react with other people may give you a hint as to how high (or low) your EQ is. However, to know more specifically, what your EQ score is (much like IQ scores), you'll need to test yourself via an EQ Test.

I've checked through several EQ Tests and this test is the only one that seems legitimate. 

Here's the link:
(You can easily skip the advert after a few seconds and don't worry, as there are absolutely nothing to worry about - The link's safe.)

Have fun!

Now for my results: :P

Half of me is agreeing with the results while another half is not lol :P I mean I know I'd get less EQ (since I'm a very emotional and moody sort of person), but 60 is a tad bit too low for my comfort. hehe :P

Anyway, yeah, now you know, you might not want to hang around with me anymore since I do snap at people when I'm feeling "snappy", getting temporarily angry over "stupid lag" when playing some really intense matches, and break down in tears whenever I'm overstressed, frustrated or sad. I sometimes have bouts of feelings that made me want to yell out loud from some remote mountain top, but well, the lower score might because of the sleep deprivation that I'm suffering from or because I used my own brand of logic to answer most of the questions presented. heh :P

So, what's your results? Feel free to post them up in the comment section below! I'm really curious to know :)

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Shadowgun: Deadzone triumph!

When I got top rank at level 2, I seriously can't believe it. I had just played the game for like 1 and a half hour or so and the game matchmade me with a bunch of higher level dudes with shotguns and energy weapons while I'm using the tutorial assault rifle lol. 

So, yeah, this is just me boasting about my leet arcade shooting skills. I did pretty well in other games like this as well - like Bravo Storm and my current favorite, Global Strike. Of course, if I play stuff like Ghost Recon: Phantoms with the big boys, I'll be ranked at the bottom half... usually. The matchmaking there isn't very good either :P

Anyway, just to commemorate this, so after a decade from now, when I was browsing through my personal blog a.k.a. diary of interesting stuff, I'll get to recall all the fun I had :)

If you are playing the above mentioned games, do send me a message (on my Facebook - link on the right side) and I might give you my IGN (in-game name for those who don't know) so you can add me or I can add you hehe :P

P/S: This was in my draft for quite some time as well lol. :P

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Life's a brief candle

Ever since the hungry ghost festival started, there had been a slew of deaths that I'm aware of and it has been dreary...

I know that every day millions of people die (well, I'm not really sure about the exact numbers), but when it's someone you knew, or at most someone that your friend, ex-teacher or relative knew... well, when it is that close to home, you'll realise again how short life is.

My grandaunt (my grandma's younger sister) passed away all because she stopped taking her high blood pressure medication (according to something my grandma heard her say prior to her demise), possibly getting a stroke, fell and gotten serious brain hemorrhage. 

It was too late when she was brought to the hospital despite the fact that she lived with her family. By the way, my grandma lives alone (my house is 30 mins away from hers) and she refused to move to my family's home. She's fiercely independent that way... which is something I really admire.

That aside, I'll miss my grandaunt. She's the most cheerful of the lot (I have a lot of grandaunts, most of whom has passed away) and I like her as she talks about stuff in a funny sort of way. During CNY, she'll always offer me (and also my brother) with extra chips - we love her New Year chips.

Another relative, my granduncle, whom we have been visiting during CNY for years (ever since I can remember) passed away too. He often reminds me of my deceased grandfather. His wife, who is still alive, is a very close friend of my grandma. Their place may be shabby (low cost apartment), but it is one of my most anticipated stops for CNY coz of the plenty of goodies to eat and the funny stories that Aunt Daisy will talk about - she's a huge extrovert and has met plenty of people from all walks of life. It's impressive, particularly for an introvert like me.

...And well, the main point that I'm trying to convey here is that we should really appreciate people while they are still around us and not when they are gone. Since death comes at unexpected moments in life, this means you should appreciate people at all times! 

So, yeah, life's a brief candle indeed.

P/S: I wrote the draft of this post 2 weeks ago when my grandaunt passed away, but had not been able to finish it. Well, better late then never, right? 

Simple Plan - Ordinary Life

Simple Plan's one of the few bands/ singers who can make numbers sounds catchy in a song :P

Though, I find the video a bit dull, to be honest. Would have been better if they put in video snippets of their tour or something... like the video for The Rest of Us


It's just another Monday
I'm just another face in a face-less crowd
I'm going down one-way
Caught up in the machine
And I'm spit right out
I'm living in a rat race
I'm looking for my soul in the lost-and-found

I'm sitting in the same spot
Counting every tic, toc
Gotta hit the punch clock
When's it gonna stop-stop?
Another day in black and white

One, two, three, four, five
Another week goes by
I'm half alive
I'm getting sick
I'm faking this
I'm over it
Don't wanna wear those suit and tie
Gotta live before I die
So I'm done, done, done
With this ordinary life

What happened to the someday?
What happened to the dreams of the wide-eyed kid?
Don't tell me that it's too late
Don't tell me that I can't cause you never did

I'm sitting in the same spot
Counting every tic, toc
Gotta hit the punch clock
When's it gonna stop-stop?
Another day in black and white
I gotta quit this ordinary life

One, two, three, four, five
Another week goes by
I'm half alive
I'm getting sick
I'm faking this
I'm over it
Don't wanna wear those suit and tie
Gotta live before I die
So I'm done, done, done
With this ordinary life

I don't wanna wake up
With my best years behind me
I don't wanna wake up
With my best years behind me
I don't wanna wake up
With my best years behind me

I think I better wake up
Before my life's behind me


One, two, three, four, five
Another week goes by
I'm half alive
I'm getting sick
I'm faking this
I'm over it
Don't wanna wear those suit and tie
Gotta live before I die
So I'm done, done, done
With this ordinary life

One, two, three, four, five
No more ordinary life

One, two, three, four, five
I gotta wake up, wake up.

One, two, three, four, five
No more ordinary life

I'm done, done, done with this ordinary
This whole thing is temporary
Done, done, done with this ordinary life

Simple Plan - The Rest of Us

Here's to the rest of us! :)


I'm okay, I'm okay,
Kinda being awkward socially
With the fact that the girls
Don't lose their shit when they look at me

It's okay, it's okay,
That I'm not that good at anything
And I don't hit the notes, perfectly
When I try to sing

Oh-oh I know I am not alone
So turn the music up and let go

Here's to the rest of us
To all the ones that never felt they were good enough
I wanna hear it for the dazed and confused
The freaks and the losers
Let's put 'em up
Here's to the rest of us
The rest of us

I'm okay, I'm okay
I don't need to be a billionaire
(So freaking bad!)
And my trust fund hopes are looking sad

I confess, I'm a mess
I'm perfectly dysfunctional
But I don't give a damn
If you feel the same
Let me hear you sing

Oh-oh I know I am not alone
So turn the music up and let go

Here's to the rest of us
To all the ones that never felt they were good enough
I wanna hear it for the dazed and confused
The freaks and the losers
Let's put 'em up
Let's put 'em up-up-up

Here's to the rest of us
We do it better than the rich and the fabulous
I wanna hear it for the nothing to lose
With something to prove
Let's put 'em up
Here's to the rest of us

Oh-oh, oh-oh
We don't need to apologize for anything
Oh-oh, oh-oh
We're who we are
I just wanna hear you sing

Oh-oh I know I am not alone

Here's to the rest of us
To all the ones that never felt they were good enough
I wanna hear it for the dazed and confused
The freaks and the losers
Let's put 'em up
Let's put 'em up-up-up

Here's to the rest of us
We do it better than the rich and the fabulous
I wanna hear it for the nothing to lose
With something to prove
Let's put 'em up
Here's to the rest of us

The lost, the geeks, the rejects, the losers
The wrong, the freaks, the hopeless, the future
The lost, the geeks, the rejects, the losers
The wrong, the freaks, the hopeless, (the future)
The rest of us

Simple Plan - Boom

What kind of fan am I? I missed their EP!!! Gah!

Anyway, here's from one of their upcoming albums (after that missed EP) - pretty catchy and love the chorus :)


In a world full of heart ache
Seems like everyone's burning out
You and me we did it our way
And this love ain't running out
We got that fire, that cold
And I just need you to know

You're my favorite song
My sing along
You shine bright like lighters in the dark and
You're my clarity
The best part of me
You still make my crazy little heart go boom!
Boo boo boo, boo boo, boo boo boom!
Boo boo boo, boo boo, boo boo boom!
Boo boo boo, boo boo, boo boo
You still make my crazy little heart go boom!

Don't worry about tomorrow
Cause these walls will never fall
I just want to let the world know
What we got is unbreakable
We got it under control
We're good we're silent we're gold

You're my favorite song
My sing along
You shine bright like lighters in the dark and
You're my clarity
The best part of me
You still make my crazy little heart go boom!
Boo boo boo, boo boo, boo boo boom!
Boo boo boo, boo boo, boo boo boom!
Boo boo boo, boo boo, boo boo
You still make my crazy little heart go boom!

You make crazy little heart go
And I want everyone to let go
You make crazy little heart go
Now I never want to let go

Boo boo boo, boo boo, boo boo boom!
Boo boo boo, boo boo, boo boo

You're my favorite song
My sing along
You shine bright like lighters in the dark and
You're my clarity
The best part of me
You still make my crazy little heart go boom!
Boo boo boo, boo boo, boo boo boom!
Boo boo boo, boo boo, boo boo boom!
Boo boo boo, boo boo, boo boo
You still make my crazy little heart go boom!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Questions 10 year olds asked in class these days...

Questions 10 year olds asked in class today... 

(Do take note that these questions were asked by kids in Msia, which is a rather conservative country, and also this is not my experience but from a fellow FB friend who became a part-time teacher.

1. Teacher, you know what anal is? 
2. Teacher, do you play the "sax"? 
3. Teacher, why don't you just say out the word "sex"... ? We know what it is. 
4. Teacher, what does this makes you think? *while playing with 2 scissors*. 
5. Do you know what naughty boys are made of? They are made of dicks...
6. Can you say something hamsup (perverted)?

According to her, she didn't know how to handle these questions and proceeded to teach as normal. I believe that to be a wrong move. If kids are curious (even though they may seem like they are "trolling"a you), it isn't hard to answer these questions using science. So they can learn something besides the "usual perverted misinformation" that they hear from the older kids in the family.

Let me teach you how to answer these questions... in my way of course :P
(You can dumb down the answers so 10-year-old kids can understand these sentences or intersperse them with local slang so it won't sound too lofty)

My Answers As The Teacher
1. Yes, the word "anal" means "related to the anus", which is in other words, your butt. For example, an anal examination by the doctor, means that the doctor will check your anus for problems. 

2. I do not play the saxophone. In fact, I do not know how to play any musical instruments, so if you had the chance to learn a musical instrument, do cherish it the best you can. 

3. - I'll avoid this question straightaway by merely uttering the word as it should be. There's no shame in that. OR if you made the mistake of NOT saying it, you can try to BS your way out of this question by saying "You must have misheard me I did say 'sex'."

4. I think that it's dangerous for you to play with scissors and some more during my class. Bring the scissors over here... since you can't seem to take care of yourself, I'll help you keep the scissors until the end of class so you won't accidentally hurt yourself or others.

5. No, naughty boys are made up of everything that humans are made up of. We are basically the same. It's just our brains that are wildly different and unique/ special

6. Well, if I want to, I could. When you reach my age, you'll have learned enough of the language to say whatever you like. It's just how you use those words - your words - that matters... and of course, this means that you should only say things that you mean and think before you talk.
(and turns the question into a life lesson on how to use your words properly and responsibly) hehe :P

At the very end, try to turn the entire class back to focusing on the topic at hand. Threaten them with something minor like stay back if you cannot finish today's class, more homework (you can say that "I've planned to let you all do your homework in class today, but since I'm running out of time, you may now need to do them at home...") and stuff like that... The homework part works well most of the time in my case. :)

So, yeah if you encounter kids like that in the future, at least you can turn these troll-like questions into a more educational form and hopefully be able to teach them something new. Whether they will misuse the info you provide, well, that's a whole other matter. :P

Friday, August 28, 2015

Two Steps From Hell - Victory

One of my favourite in their album. Battlecry is perhaps their best one yet! :)

Two Steps from Hell - Flight of the Silverbird

Love this!!! :)

World-building questions

Want to create a fictional world with the likes of J.K. Rowling or J.R.R. Tolkien? Well, here's some helpful hints provided by Kate Messner (Source:

Questions to ponder:

Start with a basic place/time: What type of story are you writing?

Time line of how the world came to be. What past events made the world as it is now?

What rules are in place here? Laws of gravity? Rules of society? Punishments in place?

What kind of government does this world have? Who has the power? Who doesn’t have any power? What to people believe in here? What does this society value most?

Day to day life: What is the weather like in this world? Where do the inhabitants live/work/go to school? What do they eat? How do they play? How do they treat their young? How do they treat their old? What relationships do they have with the flora/fauna of the world? What do those flora/fauna look like? What kind of technology exists? What types of transportation? What types of communication? What types of access to information?

How does this world I created effect the characters set into it? What kinds of conflict will emerge?

Enjoy imagining your incredible world! :)

Monday, July 27, 2015

Two Steps From Hell - Rise Above

Breathtaking stuff :D

Two Steps From Hell - Cannon in D Minor

This is seriously one of the most energetic epic music that I've heard that has some dubstep/techno stuff in it. AWESOME!

Two Steps From Hell - Star Sky


Here we are
Riding the sky
Painting the night with sun
You and I, Mirrors of light
Twin flames of fire
Lit in another time and place

I knew your name
I knew your face
Your love and grace
Past and present now embrace
Worlds collide in inner space
Unstoppable, the song we play

Burn the page for me
I cannot erase the time of sleep
I cannot be loved so set me free
I cannot deliver your love
Or caress your soul so
turn that page for me
I cannot embrace the touch that you give
I cannot find solice in your words
I cannot deliver you your love
or caress your soul

Age to age
I feel the call
Memory of future dreams
You and I, riding the sky
Keeping the fire bright
From another time and place

I know your name
I know your face
Your touch and grace
All of time can not erase
What our hearts remember stays
Forever on a song we play

Burn the page for me
I cannot erase the time of sleep
I cannot be loved so set me free
I cannot deliver your love
Or caress your soul so
turn that page for me
I cannot embrace the touch that you give
I cannot find solice in your words
I cannot deliver you your love
or caress your soul

Monday, July 20, 2015

Word Count Tools

Fun stuff! Unlike other word count tools that I've used, some of which are pretty darn awesome, but this tool won the top prize for being amazingly comprehensive.

I've never known anything about "readability" until I posted something up for word counting on this site... and it told me that my writing can be easily understood by people with a college education and above. And then there's the Dale-Chall readability score. Seriously, I've learned loads from the stats and it's rather fun to know what level my writing is :P

Here's a nifty screenshot of the stats of one of my game reviews. :P

Very interesting stuff :)

If you have anything that you've written... an essay, an article or any written work, do paste it in teh box below and try it out. :) Find out more about your writing style!

0 words | 0 characters | 0 characters w/o spaces | 0 unique words | 0 sentences | 0 paragraphs
Powered by Word Count Tools

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Whose #brainchild are you?

An amazing quiz that shows you detailed analysis of your brain with every choice you make in the quiz. That, and it also combines all your answers to show you whose #brainchild are you!

Here's my results, what's yours? :)

Check this out:
(Just click skip after 5 seconds and you'll be brought the the site. Thanks!)

Have fun!

For more 'tests' such as this one, feel free to check out my other posts:

Face Memory Test - Do you have the superhuman ability to recognise faces from just a glance?

How Dark is Your Personality?
Stanford Sleepiness Scale: Are You Getting Enough Sleep?
QUIZ: Which TED Talk are you?
Find out your EQ score!
How old are your ears?
How many colours can you see?
Do you ever have trouble telling right from left?
Hooked on Music - What makes music so catchy?
Kuku Kube - Test your eyesight!
Twitch Reflex Challenge!
How Well Do You See Colour?

Random stuff

From Taylor Swift's song - You are in love

Lyrics excerpt:

One night he wakes, strange look on his face
Pauses, then says, you're my best friend
And you knew what it was, -he is in love- (scratch that, should change the lyrics to 'you are friendzoned' lol)


P/S: I wrote this on 27/11/14 but I didn't post it up coz it's too short. Anyway, I'm putting it up now :P Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

My thoughts on learning languages

Once during my time as a tuition teacher, a parent - the mother - approached me and asked why her daughter's Mandarin results are still so bad. 

I told her that I personally thinks tuition once a week for 2 hours is not enough for someone to learn a language... particularly when her daughter has no interest in it. Why the lack of interest? Well, it's mainly because her foundation of the language are not well-established.

In fact, her daughter is in standard 2 when she can't even read, or write on her own, words that Kindergarten kids will know. 

I told the parent that languages are unlike other subjects - they require constant use and not  merely memorization, especially for kids. If you don't use them often, languages can be very hard to learn. 

If she had asked me more, I would have told her that I would recommend her to buy some very simple chinese storybooks (short ones, for kids) and read them to her daughter every night before bed. But gradually, she should stop at the cliffhanger and help her daughter finish reading the story on her own. Most kids I know love stories and will be more than eager to find out what happened (this is another tuition anecdote for another day).

Anyway, she did pursue the topic any longer. I did help her daughter as best as I could and i had thought her daughter slightly improved - the girl told me herself that she knew what the word meant and not ting-tong-tiang. I wanted to encourage her to work on her Mandarin, so I believed her and congratulated her for a job well done. Guess, the girl might not have improved after all.

I had another kid in my class as well and she was just learning Mandarin. Her Indian parents wanted her to learn and me having to juggle standard 1 to 3 kids all in the same class, I couldn't afford her too much attention. Since she looks fine on her own, I left her to her own devices and told her to ask me if she got any problems. Eventually, after her book was completed, I made a simple test, testing her on the words, she has learned. I told her to go study again the words and we'll see how she fare. 

I was expecting older words to be forgotten while hoping that for more recent ones, she'll remember. To my surprise, she can't do any of the questions at all. She wasn't learning as I thought she was doing - she was merely copying how the words are written with no knowledge whatsoever whatt he words mean even though there's a picture associated with it. I think she thought the mandarin words she are writing are scribbles.

Tuition classes are NOT the best way for someone to learn a new language, seriously. From that experience, I know that the girl doesn't understand the lines and strokes that she was writing. The book that I was given to teach her on are practically useless.

But her English is okay, so I tried another method. I associate mandarin words with the English words that she knows. Hopefully, by writing and pronouncing the words, she can learn that these two words mean the same thing but in different languages. 

Unfortunately, somehow she got phobia to come to tuition... which according to her mum, is not because of her "fierce" Mandarin tuition teacher as she said she wanted to come to my classes only lol (she had other classes with other teachers too)... but for some other reasons that she refused to say. 

Anyway, those are my experiences. Hopefully my thoughts are written down in a coherent enough manner this time :P Have fun!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Why do we sleep?

A very nice summary from Russel Foster in his TED talk on sleep.

Friday, July 3, 2015

4 sub types of introversion

Apparently there are 4 sub types of introversion... and well, there's a test you can do to determine which sub type you are more inclined to.

Feel free to check it out here.
(You can easily skip the Adfly Ads after a couple of seconds. Thank you!)

Here's my result:

When I read the questions for the "Thinking" sub type, I knew spot on that this will be my predominant sub type. 

However, it's driving me nuts that there are no percentage shown for the other axis (what is the plural word for "axis"? I'm too lazy to Google it :P).

How did you fair in the quiz? Feel free to post your results below! :)

Thursday, July 2, 2015


Do try this game out! It's a puzzle game that excruciatingly difficult, yet it is difficult enough to let you have enough fun.

I unfortunately cannot embed the game here for you, so you'll just have to click on that link and head to the site. It's a completely free game with none of those freemium nonsense.

So... enjoy! :)

oh and try to beat my High Score if you can ;) It's not very high I'm sure, but do go ahead and make that your first goal when you play this game

My second round of the game :) Check out my high score! :D

If you enjoy the game, do check out the app version of the game with a city-building theme, City 2048. :)

Monday, June 22, 2015

More on INTPs

Okay, so I've gotten my interest in Myers Briggs stuff reignited and hence, this! If you don't know which type of personality you have - do go ahead and take this test. It's pretty scary accurate as far as I can see (ahem, "read" I mean)... for now :P

Okay, I'm reposting the details here...
If you compare with my previous test, taken 2 years ago, you'll see my introversion increased by like 20% lol. The rest is pretty much the same (unchanged).

... and here's the explanation! I'll add my comments in neon green and I'll try to keep them as "not messy" as possible... or you can just take the test yourself and read the explanation! :D

This will be pretty long, so get ready your snacks or drinks :P


The INTP personality type is fairly rare, making up only three percent of the population, which is definitely a good thing for them, as there's nothing they'd be more unhappy about than being "common". INTPs pride themselves on their inventiveness and creativity, their unique perspective and vigorous intellect. Usually known as the philosopher, the architect, or the dreamy professor, INTPs have been responsible for many scientific discoveries throughout history.

The Unexamined Life Is Not Worth Living

They love patterns, and spotting discrepancies between statements could almost be described as a hobby, making it a bad idea to lie to an INTP. This makes it ironic that INTPs' word should always be taken with a grain of salt – it's not that they are dishonest, but people with the INTP personality type tend to share thoughts that are not fully developed, using others as a sounding board for ideas and theories in a debate against themselves rather than as actual conversation partners. - WTF this is so true! I'm sorry to those who had to become my "sounding board" though!

This may make them appear unreliable, but in reality no one is more enthusiastic and capable of spotting a problem, drilling through the endless factors and details that encompass the issue and developing a unique and viable solution than INTPs – just don't expect punctual progress reports. (and this makes me very prone to indecision I suppose)

People who share the INTP personality type aren't interested in practical, day-to-day activities and maintenance (and hence, I despise the routine work of a lab technician), but when they find an environment where their creative genius and potential can be expressed, there is no limit to the time and energy INTPs will expend in developing an insightful and unbiased solution.

Wisdom Begins in Wonder

They may appear to drift about in an unending daydream, but INTPs' thought process is unceasing, and their minds buzz with ideas from the moment they wake up. This constant thinking can have the effect of making them look pensive and detached (I often feel like I'm living in another world in my head and I can't really pinpoint what my brain is busy buzzing about either), as they are often conducting full-fledged debates in their own heads, but really INTPs are quite relaxed and friendly when they are with people they know, or who share their interests (this is true... when I meet new people, I'll lock my mouth right up). However, this can be replaced by overwhelming shyness when INTP personalities are among unfamiliar faces, and friendly banter can quickly become combative if they believe their logical conclusions or theories are being criticized. (yes, most of the time :P)

When INTPs are particularly excited, the conversation can border on incoherence as they try to explain the daisy-chain of logical conclusions that led to the formation of their latest idea (WTF, another thing that I've noticed I did often).Oftentimes, INTPs will opt to simply move on from a topic before it's ever understood what they were trying to say, rather than try to lay things out in plain terms. (yup, I'll hop from topic to topic, and when I thought of something to add to the previous topic, then I'll hope right back - my train of thought is messy :P)

The reverse can also be true when people explain their thought processes to INTPs in terms of subjectivity and feeling. Imagine an immensely complicated clockwork, taking in every fact and idea possible, processing them with a heavy dose of creative reasoning and returning the most logically sound results available – this is how the INTP mind works, and this type has little tolerance for an emotional monkey-wrench jamming their machines.

Let Those Who Would Move the World First Move Themselves

Furthermore, with Thinking (T) as one of their governing traits, INTPs are unlikely to understand emotional complaints at all, and their friends won't find a bedrock of emotional support in them. People with the INTP personality type would much rather make a series of logical suggestions for how to resolve the underlying issue, a perspective that is not always welcomed by their Feeling (F) companions (This is so me. I'm so sorry if you came to me emotionally and I'll be like giving suggestions on how to solve your problems instead of sympathising too much). This will likely extend to most social conventions and goals as well, like planning dinners and getting married, as INTPs are far more concerned with originality and efficient results.

The one thing that really holds INTPs back is their restless and pervasive fear of failure (yup, that's why I haven't actually done anything drastic with my ideas... bummer). INTP personalities are so prone to reassessing their own thoughts and theories, worrying that they've missed some critical piece of the puzzle, that they can stagnate, lost in an intangible world where their thoughts are never truly applied. Overcoming this self-doubt stands as the greatest challenge INTPs are likely to face, but the intellectual gifts – big and small – bestowed on the world when they do makes it worth the fight.

INTP Strengths

  • Great Analysts and Abstract Thinkers (hmm, no comment) – People with the INTP personality type view the world as a big, complex machine, and recognize that as with any machine, all parts are interrelated. INTPs excel in analyzing these connections, seeing how seemingly unrelated factors tie in with each other in ways that bewilder most other personality types.
  • Imaginative and Original (heh, my ideas are usually based off something that I've seen, read or heard of and then I change it so that it's uniquely mine :D but well... it's not exactly original?) – These connections are the product of an unrelenting imagination – INTPs' ideas may seem counter-intuitive at a glance, and may never even see the light of day, but they will always prove remarkable innovations.
  • Open-Minded (it depends, I enjoy listening to ideas I suppose, that's why I like TED talks) – INTPs couldn't make these connections if they thought they knew it all – they are highly receptive to alternate theories, so long as they're supported by logic and facts. In more subjective matters like social norms and traditions, INTPs are usually fairly liberal, with a "none of my business" sort of attitude – peoples' ideas are what matter.
  • Enthusiastic (You should hear me when I tried pitching my many ideas to my dad... it's crazy and my arms will be waving all over the place :D) – When a new idea piques their interest, INTPs can be very enthusiastic – they are a reserved personality type, but if another person shares an interest, they can be downright excited about discussing it. More likely though, the only outward evidence of this enthusiasm will be INTPs' silent pacing or their staring into the distance.
  • Objective (I'm not very sure if I'm truly objective but I do try to play the role... like that's what I'm supposed to do, you know?) – INTPs' analysis, creativity and open-mindedness aren't the tools of some quest for ideology or emotional validation. Rather, it's as though people with the INTP personality type are a conduit for the truths around them, so far as they can be expressed, and they are proud of this role as theoretical mediator.
  • Honest and Straightforward (sometimes I can be pretty oblivious to what others are thinking... and sometimes, I think too much... haiz, no balance at all) – To know one thing and say another would be terribly disingenuous – INTPs don't often go around intentionally hurting feelings, but they believe that the truth is the most important factor, and they expect that to be appreciated and reciprocated.

INTP Weaknesses

  • Very Private and Withdrawn (Yes) – While INTPs' intellectualism yields many insights into their surroundings, their surroundings are ironically considered an intrusion on their thoughts. This is especially true with people – INTPs are quite shy in social settings. More complicated situations such as parties exacerbate this, but even close friends struggle to get into INTPs' hearts and minds.
  • Insensitive (yeah I suppose) – Oftentimes INTP personalities get so caught up in their logic that they forget any kind of emotional consideration – they dismiss subjectivity as irrational and tradition as an attempt to bar much-needed progress. Purely emotional situations are often utterly puzzling to INTPs, and their lack of timely sympathy can easily offend.
  • Absent-minded (Very and it is somewhat deliberating for me... like missing meals and not sleeping) – When INTPs' interest is captured, their absence goes beyond social matters to include the rest of the physical world. INTPs become forgetful, missing even the obvious if it's unrelated to their current infatuation, and they can even forget their own health, skipping meals and sleep as they muse.
  • Condescending (my BF will definitely agree to this? heh) – Attempts at connecting with others are often worse than INTPs' withdrawal. People with the INTP personality type take pride in their knowledge and rationale, and enjoy sharing their ideas, but in trying to explain how they got from A to B to Z, they can get frustrated, sometimes simplifying things to the point of insult as they struggle to gauge their conversation partners' perspective. The ultimate insult comes as INTPs give up with a dismissive "never mind".
  • Loathe Rules and Guidelines (somewhat... maybe that's why when my Masters supervisor tried to "control" me, I became even worse) – These social struggles are partly a product of INTPs' desire to bypass the rules, of social conduct and otherwise. While this attitude helps INTPs' strength of unconventional creativity, it also causes them to reinvent the wheel constantly and to shun security in favor of autonomy in ways that can compromise both.
  • Second-Guess Themselves (Yes, again. I second-guess everything... no wonder I'm always worried) – INTPs remain so open to new information that they often never commit to a decision at all. This applies to their own skills as well – INTP personalities know that as they practice, they improve, and any work they do is second-best to what they could do. Unable to settle for this, INTPs sometimes delay their output indefinitely with constant revisions, sometimes even quitting before they ever begin.


When it comes to romantic relationships, INTPs have an interesting mixture of traits that often pleasantly surprise their partners. People with this personality type are always full of ideas, but they have few opportunities to explore their more romantic notions. As with any of their theories, INTPs love sharing with others, and in finally meeting someone where romantic thoughts are appropriate, they show themselves to be excited, enthusiastic, and even playful, flirting with word-play and intellectual games.

None of this is to say that these relationships come easily to INTPs – they are shy and withdrawn individuals, and getting out and meeting new people, risking rejection and making themselves the center of attention in emotionally delicate situations are far from being their strengths. It is more likely that INTP personalities will leave a trail of breadcrumbs for a potential partner, allowing them to make the first move and committing to their partner as an act of reciprocation rather than bravado.

Marry! A Good Wife Makes Happiness, A Bad One, Philosophy

From the start, INTPs take their relationships seriously – their imagination and vision, and the challenge of getting to know new people, make them all too aware of how important it is that they're involved with someone, and they will prove themselves surprisingly loyal. Even early in the dating phase, INTPs are unusually direct and honest, doing their best to express their mindset and create mutual understanding, believing that this shared knowledge will help to minimize misunderstandings and avoid conflict.

As their relationships progress, INTPs' daily needs prove remarkably simple. Gifts, surprises, complex social plans and date nights are all fairly unimportant to people with the INTP personality type, but this is also one of their chiefest weaknesses – their partner may very much need these things, and it won't even occur to INTPs to plan them out (Opps :P). For all their analysis and attempts at mutual understanding, INTPs are notoriously bad at picking up on others' emotional needs.

When these conflicts do arise and are inescapable, INTPs will do their best to find a logical solution. But this hardly helps if the problem is logic itself, that INTP personalities aren't meeting their partners' emotional needs. INTPs should keep this in mind, and try to meet their partners halfway by communicating on an emotional level – if they make this effort, understanding partners will recognize and appreciate the gesture, clumsy though it may be. After all, they need to afford INTPs the same benefit, and meet them halfway with logic and simplicity as well.

Beware the Barrenness of a Busy Life (This title is misleading lol)

All this material asceticism and conflict avoidance support one primary goal – to free up mental resources for more important things. INTPs' creative, vivid imagination make for a surprisingly enthusiastic, passionate, and romantic partner. While INTPs may prioritize their inner world too much, imagining interesting and exciting intimate situations that are never expressed to their partners, they also use this rich inner world to achieve as much as possible in intimacy – they rarely want for ideas.

Physically, intellectually and with a little effort emotionally, INTP relationships are rich and rewarding connections. Partners who share the Intuitive (N) trait are usually best, along with one or two opposite traits to create variety and balance, but so long as INTPs remember that they are with people who have their own, independent wants and needs, and so long as their partners remember the same of their INTPs, these are long-lasting and satisfying relationships.


Many of the usual motivations for making friends – emotional support, social validation, shared routine – simply don't apply to INTPs (that's probably why if I didn't have my friends, I would end up as a hermit :P). More likely, these concepts are met with disdain, as people with the INTP personality type prize intellectual depth above all else. It is not easy to become good friends with INTPs, but if there is a common interest and a common train of thought, the connection is likely to spark instantly, surprising everyone else who thought they had this distant personality type pegged.

Be Slow to Fall Into Friendship...

INTP friendships are knowledge-based, defined by the exchange of ideas, theories, and concepts, and those who aren't able to keep up with this, or who have sharply differing tastes (don't talk to INTPs about celebrities) will find stony faces that border on rude (Don't worry, I won't be rude, I just daydream xD). To INTPs, communication is often more of a nuisance than a pleasure, and conversation is reserved for topics that they find meaningful, or for people they already like enough to stick it out.

Unless there's a natural affinity for this intellectual style, few have the patience to try to penetrate their shields, and INTPs are left with a naturally small circle of good friends (you know who you are ;)).

Other Analyst (NT) types are a natural fit for INTPs, who share their passion for new ideas, riddles and solutions. People with the INTP personality type are knowledgeable and intelligent, and have a great deal of respect for those who can keep them on their toes in this regard. They will gladly help to tackle any dilemma thrown their way, offering up sound advice and rational solutions. As valuable as these qualities are though, they are not always the best approach – when it comes to emotional support or advice in dealing with matters of the heart, INTPs are at a loss. (well, not really, I'll just use logic in these situations as well... which may not be the best of solutions but some of them do work :D)

It's not that INTP personalities don't feel – quite the contrary, they actually have very strong sentiments (yup). But Feeling (F) is one of INTPs' least developed traits, making their emotional reactions strong, untrustworthy and naturally in need of being tempered by their well-trained logic and rationalism. Still waters run deep.

...But When in Friendship, Continue Firm and Constant

While they may not be able to help directly with these sorts of problems, INTPs help indirectly with unambiguous and reliable friendships. INTPs' friends need never worry about power games or emotional baggage – they are liked for their minds and abilities, not their status or possessions (yes, if I like you, I like you. Even if you live under a bridge, I'll still like you :D). While it may not be easy to establish true friendships with INTP personalities, once the link is made, they will provide years of understanding and thought-stimulating ideas, making them well worth the effort.


In parenting roles, as with many social roles, INTPs find themselves facing a robust but healthy challenge. Not a naturally sensitive type, INTP personalities struggle to identify with the raw emotions and irrationality that are often the standard with young children, who have yet to develop the sort of self-control and logical thinking that INTPs take for granted. (yup, that's why I dislike kids, although they are cute?)

People with the INTP personality type are nevertheless incredibly devoted – perhaps not in the traditional, emotionally supportive sense, but they are parents who are committed to encouraging their growing children to think and act independently, seek out new knowledge, and voice and defend their own opinions. (yup, I'll probably do that... unfortunately though, I rather dislike kids at the moment)

For INTPs knowledge is key, and they will do their best to give their children the tolerance and freedom necessary to acquire it. INTP parents take a relaxed, intellectual approach towards their children, allowing them to explore the world around them and overlooking the more minor offences along the way. (but they must be good in their studies... annnnnddd that's my parents' professions as teachers rubbing off on me... gah)

Having no interest in exerting control over other human beings, INTPs are likely to allow their children to form their own principles – though they may take the opportunity of the "why?" phase to share their own perspectives and ideas, just in case.

INTP personalities are not particularly demanding parents, at least not in the sense that they expect their children to live a traditional life of school/career/marriage/house/kids/retirement (and in that order, thank you very much) (yes, I agree, since I'l trying my very best to break free from that circle and it didn't seem to be working, so it's hard to say... maybe my mum's mantras will rub off on me, unfortunately for me). Rather, INTP parents are demanding in an intellectual sense – they want their children to ask if this path is the best path for them, and how to go about following a different one if they need to. This level of personal freedom can be daunting, and can take a long time to come to terms with, but INTP parents are prepared to stand by their children with support and advice for as long as they need.

While there is hardly a better parent for having rational, intelligent discussions with their children, there is hardly a clumsier example when it comes to providing the emotional support that many children need, especially as they approach their teenage years. In this area, INTPs will need to either rely on a more capable partner, or to take themselves far out of their comfort zone in order to empathize without trying to clear away the tears with an endless series of rational suggestions and blunt truths. (OMG that's probably what I'll do... sht)

Not Just Life, but Good Life

INTPs want nothing more than for their children to grow up smart, independent, and tolerant, but if they want them to be well-adjusted too, they must make this effort. INTPs' parenting style affords a great deal of latitude for their children, but with this freedom comes responsibility, and it is INTPs' responsibility to ensure that it is used constructively. Though it's a challenge for people with the INTP personality type to teach empathy alongside rationality, if they are able to pull it off, their children will grow into confident adults who know how to ask questions, use their minds, and take care of themselves no matter what comes their way.


INTPs are solitary, eccentric, and independent – none of which is listed as desirable for corporate positions, which are usually designed for very different personality types. INTPs duly struggle in finding careers that meet their needs, but what they do bring, qualities in much higher demand, are creativity, a passion for theoretical methods and ideas, and an entrepreneurial, innovative spirit (that's what's causing my constant and persistent drive to start my own business lol). If they are able to put this better foot forward to secure a position in a suitable line of work, people with the INTP personality type will find that, whatever the job listing says, these "less desirable" qualities will prove an asset after all.

A Poem of Numbers

Chief among INTPs' interests is exploring and building models for underlying principles and ideas, even going so far as to find these concepts, in their own way, beautiful – this makes them natural mathematicians, systems analysts, and career scientists, especially in more abstract fields such as physics. There are many other careers that allow INTPs to explore these interests, but many of them are far too rooted in uninteresting practical applications. As useful as it is to develop a better vacuum cleaner, it is no Large Hadron Collider.

INTP personalities are self-driven and have very high personal standards – "good enough" is never good enough – but have few environmental needs. Despite this relative simplicity, they are often hard for more people-centric types to understand. INTPs live primarily in their own heads, and have little interest in social distractions like chitchat and motivational speeches. (sometimes I do enjoy chatting, to learn more about other people's culture and interesting events. :))

For this reason, the flatter the workplace hierarchy, the better, making small, technical workplaces and fields such as law, forensics, and laboratory research (Research labs are unfortunately very boring due to routine in repeating the same test over and over again (and failing), and too stressful due to excessive politicking) very desirable for INTPs. Insightful and open-minded managers who can accommodate these needs will find their INTP subordinates to be a tireless generator of brilliant and unique ideas. However, many people with the INTP personality type may do away with the immediate hierarchy altogether, opting instead to provide their services on a freelance basis as consultants (annnnddd here am I right now! I am under contract as a "consultant" and am freelancing! xD)

Emotional Values: A Mere Illusion

Where INTPs do not thrive is in workplaces that require them to provide a high degree of emotional satisfaction – cruise ship masseuses they are not. INTP personalities struggle to understand emotional exchanges, and service-oriented positions will prove baffling and exhausting for them. Though INTPs are talented analysts who are perfectly capable of understanding the theoretical importance of customer service, the day-to-day application of such a scheme is simply better left to more people-oriented personality types.

Business is growing more complex every day, and this complexity is managed with technical systems, economic theories, and data. The need for novel approaches is stronger than ever for people and organizations to distinguish themselves. Though general people skills are often phrased as a must, it is the technical work that creates something to talk about, and it is in this pursuit that INTPs thrive.

Work as business analysts and corporate strategists is well suited to INTPs (and that's why I have this strong interest to go into online marketing strategy and analysis right now lol), but they can also move things forward as data analysts, mechanical, electrical and software engineers, and even as technical writers and journalists, provided the field is interesting enough. If they can smile and shake hands just long enough to establish themselves as the brilliant innovators that they are, people with the INTP personality type will find that whatever the expectations for social conduct, it is the qualities unique to them that are truly in demand.


The running theme for INTPs is their desire for solitude (yes, no wonder I like doing stuff at night after everybody elses' bedtimes), need for intellectual stimulation, and the satisfaction of the final piece of a puzzle clicking into place. Whether in subordinate or management positions, with colleagues or working alone, these privileges and the freedom to pursue them unfettered by social obligations and progress reports are about all people with the INTP personality type look for in their workplace.

Though INTPs may scoff at the notion, they actually function best when paired with another person. Their position determines which personality type best fits their needs, but INTPs' tendency to live in their heads and vent inspiration and creativity seemingly at random demands the presence of an implementer, preferably a Sentinel (SJ), to ensure that no stroke of genius goes unnoticed.

INTP Subordinates

Under the right conditions, INTP subordinates are innovative, resourceful, and hard-working, easily wrapping their minds around whatever complex problems are placed in front of them and delivering unorthodox but effective solutions. However, these qualities require a great deal of freedom, something stereotypical managers are loath to cede. It is difficult to quantify these qualities on a resume – several other characteristics, like a relative indifference to job security and to being liked, exacerbate the challenge – and it can take time to grow to trust INTP subordinates enough to allow this latitude. (unless... you're in a startup? :D)

INTP personalities prefer to work alone, but at the same time they despise "grunt-work" (yes, indeed). Their focus on conceiving new and exciting ideas and ignoring the details of execution means that INTPs need someone alongside to keep things in order and actually put into practice their often unrefined ideas. Such a condition can't be forced on INTPs, but a few logically phrased criticisms (certainly not emotional appeals or pep talks about working as part of a team) and clever management can make it happen.

INTP Colleagues

For INTPs, colleagues aren't so much a group of people who they socialize and work with as they are a series of obstacles and diversions with occasionally useful knowledge. Mingling, chitchat, drinks after work – these make INTPs want to work alone, not get up in the morning (yes, after work, I'll be like "I want to go to sleep liao"). Despite this distance, people with the INTP personality type are unusually good at developing insightful and unbiased interpretations of others' motivations, though sometimes they overthink it, becoming unnecessarily suspicious of others' goals.

What they do enjoy are riddles and patterns, and any INTP would be proud to be the guru who is sought after as arbiter on the validity of an idea, or for their insight on how to apply a principle to novel situations. INTPs love discussing theories, at least with "proven" colleagues, and are almost always available as impromptu consultants. This, however, does not apply to emotional riddles and conflicts, INTPs' Achilles Heel – in these charged situations, INTP personalities have no clue what to do.

INTP Managers

While INTPs don't care for managing other people, it is likely the most rewarding position as it provides the opportunity to direct concepts and theories while others handle the logistics. INTPs have a very tolerant and flexible style, characterized by an openness to logical suggestions and relative freedom for their subordinates. But this freedom comes at a cost – INTP managers have very high standards, and they expect others to grasp their insights instantly, and to provide their own in equal measure.

As well as their demand for innovation (If I'm a manager, I would definitely reward innovation more than result lol, but hard to say also), INTPs are better than any other type at noticing logical discrepancies – their tendency to ignore others' feelings means that their criticisms often come hard and fast as they direct projects to their own perfectionistic standards. Here again INTPs do best with a partner, this time a delegator who can filter their thoughts and direct their team in more socially productive ways. A liaison can also help to deter schmoozing and attempts at emotional manipulation, a sure mistake for anyone who tries.


INTPs' intelligence and logical reasoning skills are a force to be reckoned with. Be it a minor debate or a life-changing decision, INTPs will find it easy to entertain multiple ideas and keep a cool head. This allows INTPs to overcome many challenging obstacles – yet they can be easily tripped up in areas where careful and rational thinking is more of a liability than an asset.

Whether it is finding (or keeping) a partner, making friends, reaching dazzling heights on the career ladder or learning to make difficult decisions, INTPs need to put in a conscious effort to develop their weaker traits and additional skills. (I'm doing plenty of other stuff for the "additional skills" part but perhaps not as much for my lack of social skills lol, coz well, I probably have mild social phobia/ anxiety as well)

Oh and one more thing - WTF, I thought it is normal to have multiple tabs open.. though my dad doesn't do that (he's tech/ computer savvy). I have 2 different browsers open now and each of them have at least 10 or more tabs - with stuff that I think are interesting but didn't have the time to read yet as well as some work stuff that I thought I can revisit later xD 

and then there's another comment mentioning about how most of the people who commented there have "impeccable grammar" xD and another one said she took 30 minutes to write a comment... I usually revise my posts (though I do often miss stuff xD)... wow, I feel like kin with these people. :P