
Monday, March 11, 2013

Presentation script: Addictions in the modern world - Internet Addiction

Addictions in the modern world - Internet Addiction

Good morning, sir, and my fellow classmates. I hope that you all remember about the relationship between the Internet and I. So, today, I’m going to talk on something entirely different! The title for today is… internet addiction.

Yes, that’s right! Joining the list of most common addictions (with overwhelming approval), comes the Internet! Housing the central stash of information in this millennium, the net has quickly become one of the most “on-the-rise” addictions of this century. Internet addiction is spreading like wild fire throughout colleges and universities across the country. Even Webster’s Concise Dictionary defines this type of addiction as “a habit so strong that one cannot give it up.” If you don’t believe me, take a look at these statistics.

The Washington Post listed some interesting statistics in 2008:
I’m sure you can read it by yourselves but I would like to point out that almost 14% reported they “found it hard to stay away from the Internet for several days at a time.”

Just because internet addicts don’t steal to pay for their habits. Their addictions don’t cause car accidents but that doesn’t mean Internet addiction isn’t dangerous. People, internet addictions have broken up marriages and strained friendships. They’ve torn apart families and gotten in the way of school and work. Because Internet addiction isn’t seen as life-threatening as drug addiction, it’s a lot more acceptable. Because it’s legal doesn’t mean we should be any less aware of what can happen if we spend all our time online. Trust me… it.. will.. DESTROY your lives!

There are those who spend a lot of time on the Internet and there are those who are just plain addicted. Here are some signs of Internet Addiction:

Firstly, you will feel lost when your service provider is down. You may be wandering around the house aimlessly hoping the connection is quickly restored. However, if the connection is slow, you will feel frustrated. When this happens, you will always want to consider switching provider.

Secondly, interruptions frustrate you. The phone rings while you are in the middle of something (like watching a video) will get you irritated. In some serious cases, bathroom breaks may feel like a hassle. In fact, you may consider switching that computer chair of yours for a toilet. Even getting lunch/dinner/breakfast may feel like a nuisance for some.

Thirdly, you tend to sleep less hours than you used to. Once upon a time, you used to go to bed at 10, now you go to bed past 12 am. Some people may totally neglect their sleep just to continue surfing. If you do fall asleep, you may be sleeping on your keyboard rather than in your bed.

Fourthly, when you wake up every morning or come home from work/school, your first thought is to connect your computer to the Internet. This simple thought makes you happy and you believe that the Internet is one of the best things that happened in your life.

There are some other signs such as logging on instead of working or studying, thinking about the Internet –even when offline and others. You may search for them yourselves if you want to. After you do, ask yourself this question: Are you truly addicted?

Lastly, in my opinion, Internet addiction is the one of the worst addictions out there! Why? Well, most internet addicts are also addicted to a variety of other addictions like online gaming, online gambling, online shopping, online porn, online chatting and etc. It is indeed a serious disorder and the best remedy? Tossing away your computer and canceling your internet service! Sounds outrageous as a solution? Then you are really addicted! Thank you! =)

Written in 2009.

'=) I believe I'm addicted though hehehe' S.Y.


  1. Good work, Saw Yi. I really liked this article on Internet addiction. I believe that Internet is the best invention uptil now. We can do unlimited things using the Internet and Computer. All you need is productive imagination.

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  2. We should be responsible with regard to internet usage. As a subscriber of an Australian broadband service provider, I must see to it that my kids won't be addicted to it.
