
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Jaw (muscle) pain or TMD (temporomandibular disorder)

Yes, I seem to have plenty of these sort of problems lol - from stomach bloating and gastric to anxiety disorders lol. 

Anyway, I've found out the problem for my jaw (muscle) pain so I thought I should share it to ya'll. 

Symptoms: In my case, my jaw muscle/s feel/s slightly sore (like when you went for a jog and your leg muscles start to ache) whenever I yawn/open my jaw wider than usual (usual as in when I'm eating). It also feels slightly numb when I clench my jaw together tightly.

Suspected problem: Clenching and/or grinding my teeth subconsciously/ during sleep. This usually happens when someone is under stress. Though there are plenty of other causes - check them here.

Solution: (P/S: This is the important part - I have no knowledge of this until today lol :P Hope it helps!)
Remember the saying, "Lips together ... teeth apart." When you are relaxed:
  1.  your teeth should be slightly apart.
  2. your tongue should be resting gently against the roof of your mouth and
  3. your lips should be relaxed and barely touching or slightly apart. 
Try to keep your upper and lower teeth apart, except when you are eating or swallowing.

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